08-08-2005, 10:28 PM
Quote:Ryanamur wrote:
Now, about the pull down problem. Whether FsP needed to be integrated into FS2004 or not is a philosophical question. Phil
sorry it's a technical question... there is no way to do what FsP do without a program that is completely integrated
in Fs2004 as FsP look a lot of Fs2004 value 10 time per seconds.... without those value how could it judge your flight ?
Also for me byoung falled in a common trap (I read also a lot of other forum and know what people say about FsP)
1-first people don't read the feature page, they make their opinion mainly based on the name "FsPassengers"
and what they "guess" FsP can make.
2-some people are not far from truth but some other are completely wrong and mistaken about whats do FsP.
3-once a first opinion done it's hard to change (the brain technically search all small indice to REENFORCE an opinion not to demote it)
4-FsP give it's full flavor after some flights only, so if someone is completely mistaken at first and do one flight it will be hard
to make him change his mind and actually SEE what FsP do...
conclusion: the next version will be named "WRXTRGFH the addon that will revolutionize"

Anyway, nothing to say that i'm not very pleased about such post with such title on the first page of my forum,
as beta tester know well I'm very open to any critisicm (look the support forum) but not about such post that judge my hard work without even knowing what it exactly do, also I can sustain a debate but visibly "byoung" just posted and left the forum without looking the
reply. so if he don't come back soon I'll close it as it just look as an uninformed critisism based on a guess.
Post Edited ( 08-09-05 00:21 )