01-11-2008, 11:12 AM
Hi my name is Richard i am a FS2004 pilot and i use the demo of FSP now i know that cracked copy's are bad and i will never steal or take from Dan he
has made a program that if Microsoft was not so stuck up they may have asked Dan to work for them Dan made flying a joy and a hobby i will always
respect Dan and his team of beta testers and only use the Demo intel some day i have money to buy it. My bro has a cracked copy of FSP and he has
offered it to me for FREE and every time he ask me if i wood like it i tell him you are destorying one mans dream and that he will pay some day then
that night i destoryed the cracked copy of FSP that my bro had on CD and that was the only copy to the next day he sed that he was going to install it
on his new computer BUT when he found out i destoryed it he sed now what am i going to do i sed well you have 2 things you can do he sed what i sed
you can try the demo or go buy it and tell dan how sorry you are for takeing his hard work and miss useing it! HATS OF TO MR. DAN AND ALL THAT HAS
HELP MAKE (FSP) WHAT IT IS TODAY!!!!!! for me right now its the demo but someday it will be the Full intel then take care every one safe & Happy flying.
has made a program that if Microsoft was not so stuck up they may have asked Dan to work for them Dan made flying a joy and a hobby i will always
respect Dan and his team of beta testers and only use the Demo intel some day i have money to buy it. My bro has a cracked copy of FSP and he has
offered it to me for FREE and every time he ask me if i wood like it i tell him you are destorying one mans dream and that he will pay some day then
that night i destoryed the cracked copy of FSP that my bro had on CD and that was the only copy to the next day he sed that he was going to install it
on his new computer BUT when he found out i destoryed it he sed now what am i going to do i sed well you have 2 things you can do he sed what i sed
you can try the demo or go buy it and tell dan how sorry you are for takeing his hard work and miss useing it! HATS OF TO MR. DAN AND ALL THAT HAS
HELP MAKE (FSP) WHAT IT IS TODAY!!!!!! for me right now its the demo but someday it will be the Full intel then take care every one safe & Happy flying.
RDC (Chobits)