16-07-2005, 03:41 PM
Sorry to bother you with this again Dan, but I thought I should keep you updated on the "Throttle pushed to max with parkbrake..." penalty.
Seems I also get this with the CRJ700 Regional jet as well. It has a ridiculous startup procedure (and I have emailed them about it, but
they seem to not really support this product anymore) that pushes the engines to 109%!!!! Very annoying, but the aircraft is very good in
every other way.
I bring this up because I've been trying to follow the other threads similar to this in the forum and it seemed like you had decided to
disable this penalty in all prop/turboprop aircraft. This would be fine, except obviously with this product. I think my solution before was to
invoke this penalty by reading the user throttle input (joystick throttle slider, or via keyboard) to see if the user had actually commanded
this or not. I would humbly suggest this as the most complete fix for this problem, although perhaps there are more complex issues
here that I don't understand from a programming sense.
Until then I will use the workaround of releasing the parkbrake, and holding the brake key manually. Thanks again for all your hard work.
Seems I also get this with the CRJ700 Regional jet as well. It has a ridiculous startup procedure (and I have emailed them about it, but
they seem to not really support this product anymore) that pushes the engines to 109%!!!! Very annoying, but the aircraft is very good in
every other way.
I bring this up because I've been trying to follow the other threads similar to this in the forum and it seemed like you had decided to
disable this penalty in all prop/turboprop aircraft. This would be fine, except obviously with this product. I think my solution before was to
invoke this penalty by reading the user throttle input (joystick throttle slider, or via keyboard) to see if the user had actually commanded
this or not. I would humbly suggest this as the most complete fix for this problem, although perhaps there are more complex issues
here that I don't understand from a programming sense.
Until then I will use the workaround of releasing the parkbrake, and holding the brake key manually. Thanks again for all your hard work.