19-09-2007, 11:48 AM
See anything wrong with this flight report??
Flight ZS903 flight report log Date 19 September 2007
Flight ID: ZS903
Pilot: Hayden Anderson
Company: Hayander airways
Aircraft: Cessna Skylane 182S Paint2
Flight Date: 19 September 2007
Departure: 16h37 (07h37 GMT)
Arrival: 17h37 (08h38 GMT)
From: YBCS - Cairns Intl - Australia
Nbr of Passengers: 2
Flight Distance: 91 Nm Landing Speed: 64.96 kt
Time Airborne: 00h58:05 Landing Touchdown: -524.61 ft/m
Flight Time (block): 01h01:07 Landing Pitch: 1.84°
Time On Ground: 00h04:46 Landing Weight: 1189 kg
Average Speed: 95.09 kt Total Fuel Used: 42 kg
Max. Altitude: 7070ft Fuel Not Used: 72 kg
Climb Time: 00h16:42 Climb Fuel Used: 12 kg
Cruise Time: 00h22:02 Cruise Fuel Used: 12 kg
Average Cruise Speed: 139.78 kt (M0.21) Cruise fuel/hour: 35 kg (calc)
Descent Time: 00h19:21 Descent Fuel Used: 17 kg
Passenger Opinion: Good flight (84%)
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.
-Were irritated by the excess G-forces. (+2.61).
-Wonder if they landed or if they crashed (hard landing).
Financial Report:
Ticket Income: +$102 (91 Nm)
Cargo Income: +$65 (128 kg)
Services Income: +$0 (0 sandwich 0 hot food 0 drink)
Services Cost: -$0 (20% quality)
Fuel Cost: -$87 (42 kg 100LL)
Airport Taxes: -$3 (Small Aircraft)
Insurance Costs: -$7 (4.32% rate)
Total Real Income: $70
Total Income: $3,500 (real x50)
Fleet Bonus: $0 (0 aircraft)
Total Sim Income: $3,500 (total income+fleet bonus)
Company Reputation:
Considering that the flight was good,the tickets price low,passengers on this flight think that your company's reputation should be 84%
Your company reputation is now: 81% (+0.28 increase)
Overall Flight Result: Good
So do you see it?
And not only that. Once i looked at the 'view pilots log' box i also noticed that i had gotten 0 points
I would have gotten about 100 points even with the g-force penalty.
the thing that really annoyed me was that that was the last flight i was able to do that day and i was 48 points from being promoted!
Flight ZS903 flight report log Date 19 September 2007
Flight ID: ZS903
Pilot: Hayden Anderson
Company: Hayander airways
Aircraft: Cessna Skylane 182S Paint2
Flight Date: 19 September 2007
Departure: 16h37 (07h37 GMT)
Arrival: 17h37 (08h38 GMT)
From: YBCS - Cairns Intl - Australia
Nbr of Passengers: 2
Flight Distance: 91 Nm Landing Speed: 64.96 kt
Time Airborne: 00h58:05 Landing Touchdown: -524.61 ft/m
Flight Time (block): 01h01:07 Landing Pitch: 1.84°
Time On Ground: 00h04:46 Landing Weight: 1189 kg
Average Speed: 95.09 kt Total Fuel Used: 42 kg
Max. Altitude: 7070ft Fuel Not Used: 72 kg
Climb Time: 00h16:42 Climb Fuel Used: 12 kg
Cruise Time: 00h22:02 Cruise Fuel Used: 12 kg
Average Cruise Speed: 139.78 kt (M0.21) Cruise fuel/hour: 35 kg (calc)
Descent Time: 00h19:21 Descent Fuel Used: 17 kg
Passenger Opinion: Good flight (84%)
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.
-Were irritated by the excess G-forces. (+2.61).
-Wonder if they landed or if they crashed (hard landing).
Financial Report:
Ticket Income: +$102 (91 Nm)
Cargo Income: +$65 (128 kg)
Services Income: +$0 (0 sandwich 0 hot food 0 drink)
Services Cost: -$0 (20% quality)
Fuel Cost: -$87 (42 kg 100LL)
Airport Taxes: -$3 (Small Aircraft)
Insurance Costs: -$7 (4.32% rate)
Total Real Income: $70
Total Income: $3,500 (real x50)
Fleet Bonus: $0 (0 aircraft)
Total Sim Income: $3,500 (total income+fleet bonus)
Company Reputation:
Considering that the flight was good,the tickets price low,passengers on this flight think that your company's reputation should be 84%
Your company reputation is now: 81% (+0.28 increase)
Overall Flight Result: Good
So do you see it?
And not only that. Once i looked at the 'view pilots log' box i also noticed that i had gotten 0 points
I would have gotten about 100 points even with the g-force penalty.
the thing that really annoyed me was that that was the last flight i was able to do that day and i was 48 points from being promoted!
![[Image: dc4.jpg]](http://www.fspassengers.com/images/banner/sig/dc4.jpg)
![[Image: c4.gif]](http://www.fspassengers.com/images/banner/sig/c4.gif)