25-12-2006, 08:32 PM
Tthe optimal flight distance is 1328 nm.
This value I calculated out of my FSP-Flightlogs.
How it seems the income of pax and cargo is hard limited (flat cut) at 1328nm (uncertaines +/- 5nm).
(measured with an A380, econmy class only)
Where as the income is cut the costs (feuel, etc) are not cut at that distance limit.
This means for flights of distances longer than 1328nm you are starting to lose money.
Between 0nm and 1328nm, the income from pax and cargo is increasing linear.
If you take the feuel into account you have to consider that you burn the most feuel at start and landing. Therefore as longer your flight is
as less feuel for a flight mile you use and as more economic it is.
Together with the linear increasing income from 0nm up to 1328nm. It is clear that the optimal distance has to be the maximum distance
before the flat cut and this is: 1328nm.
So how should you fly say a distance of 2200nm for best profit?
Best, in two 1100nm leg's. or what will be equal in value 1 leg 1328nm and the other 872nm.
But what when you want to fly 1500nm?
This is difficult because now you need to weighting the cost for two starts and landing against the loss in money when you fly it in one leg.
Probabily you go better when you do that in one leg.
But this I let it to you to figure out.

(More fun for sure is doing it in two steps. if you consider that one 1328nm flight will take about over 3h!!)
One additional, because it is not clear in ahead. I also checked if the hard limit is on distance or if there is a limit in the price the pax
pays. Result the limti is on distance and not price.