18-06-2006, 03:35 PM
Quote:jetBlue220 wrote:
I know perfectly well what LR means.
It's range is not over 10,000 nm.
Quote:Extending the range of the market-leading 777 family by more than 1,500 nautical miles (2,775 kilometers), the 777-200LR (Longer Range) allows
airlines to service nonstop routes such as New York-Singapore and Los Angeles-Dubai at full passenger capacity and carry revenue cargo. The 777-200LR
can carry 301 passengers up to 9,420 nautical miles (17,446 kilometers).
- From Boeing's website, which you told me to look at. http://www.boeing.com/news/releases/2005...0215g.html
And, what I said about being realistic. You have FSP, which IS as realistic as possible.. so, you're trying to do something that is unrealistic, and
then complaining that it can't be done..
Also.. You had 376 passengers. Based on above, the 9420 nm range is based on 301 passengers.
That's the real 777. In the real one they operate it at Mach 0.84 and starting at lower altitudes. Because this is a flight sim and I can do what I
want, I can reduce the cruising speed and climb to higher altitudes earlier. Difference is that it would be unsafe in reality and not worth the risk.
But you could actually do this and extend the range to what I flew. So it still isn't unrealistic if you pushed the real plane to its limits. And try
telling in the designer of this 777 that his FDE is unrealistic. It is the most realistic available and fuel flow is also realistic depending on the
conditions you operate it in. I'd like to seeyou design a 777-200LR FDE from scratch and get everything as realistic as you can. Ands alsol when did
anyone say that any aircraft is as realstiic as it gets? Even PMDG planes aren't 100% realstic. Nothing is, this is FS2004, and although you say
FSPassengers is realstic, it is to a point, but you cannot argue it is 100% realistic Evidence in opposition to this would include:
1) Passengers hunger levels are not realistic
2) Some announcements arent realistic as compared to real operations
3) The first officer would actually communicate emergencies to the control tower if it was 100% realistic but this is a limitation of FS2004
It is down to things like this that no AIRCRAFT or FSPASSENGERS can be 100% realistic.
Post Edited ( 06-18-06 16:37 )