06-05-2006, 01:27 AM
I'm not here to say that FSPassengers is bad or anything, but i think that $40 is a little expensive. I would buy it, if it was $10-$15, and i
really like the program. Just wondering if you guys could consider the price a little. Maby it would help, if 'dan' (i think that's the owner) would
hire someone else, or a joint ownership, and start developing other FS add-ons, through those other add-on's, more money might be generated, bringing
the price of FSPassengers down? I have asked about 20 people if the like the program, and they all said 'it's great' (or something like that), and i
said 'would you buy it' and they all said 'no' (some said they would, if it was $20, and others said $10. I think that if the price was lowered,
there would be more buyers.
I really don't know hoy many purchaces you get a week, but i do know that you'd pbly get more if you lowered the price.
I was a previous manager of the computer shop in town, and i saw something similar before...
We had only a few products, and we where told by many
customers that they where over-priced, or not worth the value. So, we developed 3 new products and kept those prices low. We made more profit of
those 3 products, in a week, than we had of the 5 we previously had, in a month! So, we lowered the prices, and our sales almost 'shot through the
roof'. I left, when the owner, and one of the managers of the store where involved in a car accident, comming home from lunch - they both died, then
i started working for IBM, the store closed down a year later.
Well, thanks for reading. (if you havent read it, please don't reply, untill you've read it all - it gets annoying sometimes).
Post Edited ( 05-06-06 02:28 )
I'm not here to say that FSPassengers is bad or anything, but i think that $40 is a little expensive. I would buy it, if it was $10-$15, and i
really like the program. Just wondering if you guys could consider the price a little. Maby it would help, if 'dan' (i think that's the owner) would
hire someone else, or a joint ownership, and start developing other FS add-ons, through those other add-on's, more money might be generated, bringing
the price of FSPassengers down? I have asked about 20 people if the like the program, and they all said 'it's great' (or something like that), and i
said 'would you buy it' and they all said 'no' (some said they would, if it was $20, and others said $10. I think that if the price was lowered,
there would be more buyers.
I really don't know hoy many purchaces you get a week, but i do know that you'd pbly get more if you lowered the price.
I was a previous manager of the computer shop in town, and i saw something similar before...
We had only a few products, and we where told by many
customers that they where over-priced, or not worth the value. So, we developed 3 new products and kept those prices low. We made more profit of
those 3 products, in a week, than we had of the 5 we previously had, in a month! So, we lowered the prices, and our sales almost 'shot through the
roof'. I left, when the owner, and one of the managers of the store where involved in a car accident, comming home from lunch - they both died, then
i started working for IBM, the store closed down a year later.
Well, thanks for reading. (if you havent read it, please don't reply, untill you've read it all - it gets annoying sometimes).
Post Edited ( 05-06-06 02:28 )