23-07-2018, 02:19 PM
Hi there,
I've purchased and have been using FSP without any problems for a bunch of flights, when suddendly problems started happening.
At first, FSX crashed mid-flight and would not start anymore, with an error message saying Flight simulator has detected a problem with a third party software program (add-on): Name: fspassengersx versio. ... file: FsPassengersx.dll" or so.
I tried many ways of fixing, reinstalling, cleaning registry, updating drivers, editing the registry flag part (there was nothing to delete there) and nothing helped until I came across to the steps descriped here: (although it was for another addon, the renaming of the fspassengersx.DLL helped this problem)
After unblocking FSP with a new code I got from Dan (As my old one was blocked after the reinstall), I started a new flight and a NEW problem occured:
"Unable to create the FsPassengers's mini report"
So it theoretically works but frustrating to have such a handy feature not working! I tried the suggested method of //commenting out but no help. Im using vanilla Grand Caravan, this was working fine before.
None of the aircraft work with the minireport either.
A strange thing: when I click edit the panels it does not always open the config file, and randomly it opens the wrong aircraft (not the one im trying to load, so instead of grand caravan the king air comes up sometimes..)
Now the Tech Details:
I am using FSX SE, the game files are up to date.
Windows 10 (64bit)
Other major addons: Ultimate traffic 2, REX HD clouds and textures, DX10 fixer for fsx.
I have...
Update graphics drivers
Tried commenting out gauges as advised
I tried cleaning gauges with FlusiFix06, and reset FSX config file.
uninstalled FSP again
Used CCleaner for registry cleaning,
Reinstalled FSP after reboot
(Same third party error appears, so I did the rename fix as above)
Scanned for malware with AVAST and SpyBot (none)
Prayed to the gods of computers to magically fix the issue
Here come the log files:
-FsPassengers setup ver. Jan 23 2016 started: 21.07.2018 - 00:06
-Search if FsX is running
-OK FsX is not running
-Attempting to find FsX directory.
-Checking 64 byte registry for fsx vanilla
-Fsx vanilla Directory found: G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FSX\
-Checking 64 byte registry for fsx steam edition
-64 byte registry not found, checking 32 byte registry for fsx steam edition
-Registry key of FsX steam edition not found or unreadable
-Error - Registry key is FSX but steam version was found. Trying to install anyway
-Checking FsX path, searching this file: G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FSX\dialogs\dlgabout.spb
-FsX found ok
-Detecting OS and FsPassengers install path...
-Windows 10: 10.0
-FsPassengers will be installed in: C:\Users\Public\Documents\FsPassengers
-Getting FSX version
-FsX version returned: 10.0.62615.0
-FsX version OK: Steam/Acceleration build 62615
-Check free space
-Free space Total Mb available: 25581
-Check needed space
-Needed space: 147
-No previous version of FsPX 2016 detected.
-No previous version of FsPX 2008 detected.
-AppCompatFlags checked OK
-Start of file copy...
-Extracting file to: C:\Users\Public\Documents\FsPassengers
-Ok: all files extracted correctly
-Attempting to find dll.xml file
-Getting FsX.exe version
-FsX.exe version: 10.0.62615
-fsx.cfg found in C:\Users\northstar smith\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\fsx.cfg
-dll.xml found in C:\Users\northstar smith\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\dll.xml
-Writting FsPassengers addon in dll.xml
-Start of dll.xml parsing----------------------------
-dll.xml, Nbr of addons found: 0
-dll.xml written ok
-End of dll.xml parsing----------------------------
-Emptying old installation of FsPassengers into FsX's folder and/or creating new FsPassengers folder C:\Users\Public\Documents\FsPassengers
-Copying FsPassengers files into FSX's folder G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FSX\FsPassengers
-Attempting to write Config file 'FsPassengers\bin\FsXPath.cfg'
-Config file 'FsPassengers\bin\FsXPath.cfg' written ok
-Creating shortcut in start menu...
-Number of files not replaced by update (to keep user's modification): 0
-No update of more_option.cfg required, this is a fresh install
-No update of money_currency.cfg required, this is a fresh install
-Writting FsPassengers's windows in missionpanel.cfg
-missionpanel.cfg - ok
-Adding uninstall key to registry
-Uninstall key added to registry
-Checking if simconnect and all library are installed
-FsPassengersX.dll loaded fine - simconnect and library ok
-Install completed with success
-Writting this log in FsPassengers folder...
FsPassengers X ver. Jan 23 2016
LOG started 23.07.2018 - 11:47
Start of FsPassengersX.dll
Selected Language:English
No keyboard.ini to load - ok
Getting FSX version
FsX version returned: 10.0.62615.0
FsX version OK: Steam/Acceleration build 62615
Fsx path: G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FSX
FsP path: C:\Users\Public\Documents
Loading config file
Nbr of currency found in file: 7
Selected currency:Dollars
Nbr of inflation data found 113
Config file saved
Start Init Failures
End Init Failures OK. Nbr of failures: 40
searching music collection
Music found: 8
Module and mem Listing. Please report those in case of CTD >>>:
bin\nodump.txt found, no module and memory listing
End of module listing
All init completed ok - run addon
SimConnect_Open - OK
SimConnect_CallDispatch - OK
End of initialisation - OK
Detect parking brakes available:
Parking brakes available
Function MM GAFN32 start
Function MM GAFN32 end
Function MM GAFN32 start
Function MM GAFN32 end
payload count 14
Payload ini> search loadmodel for: Cessna Grand Caravan Paint1
Payload ini> Loading : grand caravan
Payload ini> Loaded: grand caravan.ini
payload count 14
Payload ini> Zero Cg Pos found: 1.00000
original CGPos= 0.26235
payload count 14
Payload ini> search passenger lon: -104.73 lat:39.84 maxpass: 8
Payload ini> zone nbr: 0 use zone list name (self-1): 0 passengers found 9
payload count 14
payload count 14
payload count 14
payload count 14
payload count 14
payload count 14
payload count 14
payload count 14
Fixed gear aircraft, force belly landing disabled
ATC Aircraft MTOW is: 8785.00000
Current flight number: 1123
changed to: DXS45
Heavy flag not set
Starting FsPassengers adventure
Function ForceCrashAndCollideFlag
Function ForceCrashAndCollideFlag end
Loading Crew sound from user chosen directory Sound/CrewPack\default\
Loading crew text, default voice pack used
Function MM GAFN32 start
Function MM GAFN32 end
Function MM GAFN32 start
Function MM GAFN32 end
Disabled penalty flag 4096
Call function GAFFA4645
END function GAFFA4645 found: 43
Call function RAFF43587
End function RAFF43587
Detect parking brakes available:
Parking brakes available
Movies_choices.cfg loaded movies availables: 6
Config file saved
Total Percentage of failure= 5
Function MM GAFN32 start
Function MM GAFN32 end
Function MM GAFN32 start
Function MM GAFN32 end
Pausing FsPassengers adventure
UnPausing FsPassengers adventure
Pausing FsPassengers adventure
UnPausing FsPassengers adventure
Pausing FsPassengers adventure
UnPausing FsPassengers adventure
Gps release
Ending FsPassengers adventure
End of FsPassengersX.dll
Deleting Failures
DirectSoundDeinit-> Success
Config file saved
SimConnect_Close - OK
I sure hope there is a way to get back the working state of FSP, its such an awesome addon...
Looking forward to suggestions
I've purchased and have been using FSP without any problems for a bunch of flights, when suddendly problems started happening.
At first, FSX crashed mid-flight and would not start anymore, with an error message saying Flight simulator has detected a problem with a third party software program (add-on): Name: fspassengersx versio. ... file: FsPassengersx.dll" or so.
I tried many ways of fixing, reinstalling, cleaning registry, updating drivers, editing the registry flag part (there was nothing to delete there) and nothing helped until I came across to the steps descriped here: (although it was for another addon, the renaming of the fspassengersx.DLL helped this problem)
After unblocking FSP with a new code I got from Dan (As my old one was blocked after the reinstall), I started a new flight and a NEW problem occured:
"Unable to create the FsPassengers's mini report"
So it theoretically works but frustrating to have such a handy feature not working! I tried the suggested method of //commenting out but no help. Im using vanilla Grand Caravan, this was working fine before.

None of the aircraft work with the minireport either.
A strange thing: when I click edit the panels it does not always open the config file, and randomly it opens the wrong aircraft (not the one im trying to load, so instead of grand caravan the king air comes up sometimes..)
Now the Tech Details:
I am using FSX SE, the game files are up to date.
Windows 10 (64bit)
Other major addons: Ultimate traffic 2, REX HD clouds and textures, DX10 fixer for fsx.
I have...
Update graphics drivers
Tried commenting out gauges as advised
I tried cleaning gauges with FlusiFix06, and reset FSX config file.
uninstalled FSP again
Used CCleaner for registry cleaning,
Reinstalled FSP after reboot
(Same third party error appears, so I did the rename fix as above)
Scanned for malware with AVAST and SpyBot (none)
Prayed to the gods of computers to magically fix the issue
Here come the log files:
-FsPassengers setup ver. Jan 23 2016 started: 21.07.2018 - 00:06
-Search if FsX is running
-OK FsX is not running
-Attempting to find FsX directory.
-Checking 64 byte registry for fsx vanilla
-Fsx vanilla Directory found: G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FSX\
-Checking 64 byte registry for fsx steam edition
-64 byte registry not found, checking 32 byte registry for fsx steam edition
-Registry key of FsX steam edition not found or unreadable
-Error - Registry key is FSX but steam version was found. Trying to install anyway
-Checking FsX path, searching this file: G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FSX\dialogs\dlgabout.spb
-FsX found ok
-Detecting OS and FsPassengers install path...
-Windows 10: 10.0
-FsPassengers will be installed in: C:\Users\Public\Documents\FsPassengers
-Getting FSX version
-FsX version returned: 10.0.62615.0
-FsX version OK: Steam/Acceleration build 62615
-Check free space
-Free space Total Mb available: 25581
-Check needed space
-Needed space: 147
-No previous version of FsPX 2016 detected.
-No previous version of FsPX 2008 detected.
-AppCompatFlags checked OK
-Start of file copy...
-Extracting file to: C:\Users\Public\Documents\FsPassengers
-Ok: all files extracted correctly
-Attempting to find dll.xml file
-Getting FsX.exe version
-FsX.exe version: 10.0.62615
-fsx.cfg found in C:\Users\northstar smith\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\fsx.cfg
-dll.xml found in C:\Users\northstar smith\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\dll.xml
-Writting FsPassengers addon in dll.xml
-Start of dll.xml parsing----------------------------
-dll.xml, Nbr of addons found: 0
-dll.xml written ok
-End of dll.xml parsing----------------------------
-Emptying old installation of FsPassengers into FsX's folder and/or creating new FsPassengers folder C:\Users\Public\Documents\FsPassengers
-Copying FsPassengers files into FSX's folder G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FSX\FsPassengers
-Attempting to write Config file 'FsPassengers\bin\FsXPath.cfg'
-Config file 'FsPassengers\bin\FsXPath.cfg' written ok
-Creating shortcut in start menu...
-Number of files not replaced by update (to keep user's modification): 0
-No update of more_option.cfg required, this is a fresh install
-No update of money_currency.cfg required, this is a fresh install
-Writting FsPassengers's windows in missionpanel.cfg
-missionpanel.cfg - ok
-Adding uninstall key to registry
-Uninstall key added to registry
-Checking if simconnect and all library are installed
-FsPassengersX.dll loaded fine - simconnect and library ok
-Install completed with success
-Writting this log in FsPassengers folder...
FsPassengers X ver. Jan 23 2016
LOG started 23.07.2018 - 11:47
Start of FsPassengersX.dll
Selected Language:English
No keyboard.ini to load - ok
Getting FSX version
FsX version returned: 10.0.62615.0
FsX version OK: Steam/Acceleration build 62615
Fsx path: G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FSX
FsP path: C:\Users\Public\Documents
Loading config file
Nbr of currency found in file: 7
Selected currency:Dollars
Nbr of inflation data found 113
Config file saved
Start Init Failures
End Init Failures OK. Nbr of failures: 40
searching music collection
Music found: 8
Module and mem Listing. Please report those in case of CTD >>>:
bin\nodump.txt found, no module and memory listing
End of module listing
All init completed ok - run addon
SimConnect_Open - OK
SimConnect_CallDispatch - OK
End of initialisation - OK
Detect parking brakes available:
Parking brakes available
Function MM GAFN32 start
Function MM GAFN32 end
Function MM GAFN32 start
Function MM GAFN32 end
payload count 14
Payload ini> search loadmodel for: Cessna Grand Caravan Paint1
Payload ini> Loading : grand caravan
Payload ini> Loaded: grand caravan.ini
payload count 14
Payload ini> Zero Cg Pos found: 1.00000
original CGPos= 0.26235
payload count 14
Payload ini> search passenger lon: -104.73 lat:39.84 maxpass: 8
Payload ini> zone nbr: 0 use zone list name (self-1): 0 passengers found 9
payload count 14
payload count 14
payload count 14
payload count 14
payload count 14
payload count 14
payload count 14
payload count 14
Fixed gear aircraft, force belly landing disabled
ATC Aircraft MTOW is: 8785.00000
Current flight number: 1123
changed to: DXS45
Heavy flag not set
Starting FsPassengers adventure
Function ForceCrashAndCollideFlag
Function ForceCrashAndCollideFlag end
Loading Crew sound from user chosen directory Sound/CrewPack\default\
Loading crew text, default voice pack used
Function MM GAFN32 start
Function MM GAFN32 end
Function MM GAFN32 start
Function MM GAFN32 end
Disabled penalty flag 4096
Call function GAFFA4645
END function GAFFA4645 found: 43
Call function RAFF43587
End function RAFF43587
Detect parking brakes available:
Parking brakes available
Movies_choices.cfg loaded movies availables: 6
Config file saved
Total Percentage of failure= 5
Function MM GAFN32 start
Function MM GAFN32 end
Function MM GAFN32 start
Function MM GAFN32 end
Pausing FsPassengers adventure
UnPausing FsPassengers adventure
Pausing FsPassengers adventure
UnPausing FsPassengers adventure
Pausing FsPassengers adventure
UnPausing FsPassengers adventure
Gps release
Ending FsPassengers adventure
End of FsPassengersX.dll
Deleting Failures
DirectSoundDeinit-> Success
Config file saved
SimConnect_Close - OK
I sure hope there is a way to get back the working state of FSP, its such an awesome addon...
Looking forward to suggestions