(10-08-2017, 01:17 PM)CDreier Wrote: Unfortunately I no longer consider FSPassengers a viable product. It appears it could be six months or more from the release of P3D v4 until FSP is made compatible. When you consider that there's about a month's delay in getting a workable FSP update every time Lockheed Martin issues a revision, that's a great deal of down time. As much as I love FSPassengers I can't count on having it available and now fly without it as my personal career advances sans FSP. It's sad.
I agree, I will tell my way to think, many will not agree, but, if I'm a hobby Dev and I see that my product likes a lot of people and then I don't have much more time to continue the devlopment, but i know that many people are asking that, i would consider to sell the license to another company that are intrested in the product and will make it a compatible in a reasonable time, 1 year is very long time, and after you start to use again P3d without Fspassengers for a very long time, only feew after this experience will go back, especially if you have to buy it again.
I already bought it twice, the first time for FSX , then for P3d V3 and now I should wait one year and then buy again, well, if it's a completly new product may be, but if it's the same one made compatible, I don't think I will, or in case for a very reasonable price, I spent my 50 bucks on Fspassengers, other 20 or 30? for a total of 70? It's like I am buying 3 ORBX products with that money or a PMDG product
I would sell it if it's very hard to use the new sdk for V4 or if I dont have much time as before due my private life.