29-10-2005, 06:07 PM
Whilst flying on IVAO now (and being staff), I knotted on a friendly conversation with a friend of mine in our division doing CTR ATC.
Accidently *thobbs himself*, I pressed Shift-E thinkign that the chat box was selected. Needless to say, not a wise thing to do at FL360
climbing to FL370. Immediately I called ATC, proceeded with a emergency decent to 10,000ft, SQ7700, Cancelled Destination, and
Declared a emergency, wondering what the ^%&$^*% I did again now...
To make a long story short, my friend being very professional and real life ATC, handled the situation suburbly, and redirected me to a
suitable airport for the type of plane I was flying (Unfortunately, not within 20nm - so I got penelised for that as well)... However, coming
from FL360 to a stop on the ground within 20nm is a VERY tight call, I even doubt it is possible without having excess G-Forces, seeing
that you'll need to decent at like -4000f/s
What's interesting, my friend being real-life ATC, informed me that SQ7700 (Emergency code), is only used if you are NOT in controlled
airspace. Because I was under CTR controll at the time of the emergency, I should NOT have SQ7700'ed. My SQ was recycled, and I
went back onto a normal SQ Code as per my ATC's instructions. FSPax did not penelise me for SQ7700'ing, and them switching back to
a normal code (possible bug?).
However, what I want to ask, if it is not propper procedure to SQ7700 if under controlled radar, is it fair that FSPax penelise pilots for not
going to 7700 (Any ATC whilst flying online will not give you 7700 if you are actively being controlled)?
Just some thoughts...
Whilst flying on IVAO now (and being staff), I knotted on a friendly conversation with a friend of mine in our division doing CTR ATC.
Accidently *thobbs himself*, I pressed Shift-E thinkign that the chat box was selected. Needless to say, not a wise thing to do at FL360
climbing to FL370. Immediately I called ATC, proceeded with a emergency decent to 10,000ft, SQ7700, Cancelled Destination, and
Declared a emergency, wondering what the ^%&$^*% I did again now...
To make a long story short, my friend being very professional and real life ATC, handled the situation suburbly, and redirected me to a
suitable airport for the type of plane I was flying (Unfortunately, not within 20nm - so I got penelised for that as well)... However, coming
from FL360 to a stop on the ground within 20nm is a VERY tight call, I even doubt it is possible without having excess G-Forces, seeing
that you'll need to decent at like -4000f/s
What's interesting, my friend being real-life ATC, informed me that SQ7700 (Emergency code), is only used if you are NOT in controlled
airspace. Because I was under CTR controll at the time of the emergency, I should NOT have SQ7700'ed. My SQ was recycled, and I
went back onto a normal SQ Code as per my ATC's instructions. FSPax did not penelise me for SQ7700'ing, and them switching back to
a normal code (possible bug?).
However, what I want to ask, if it is not propper procedure to SQ7700 if under controlled radar, is it fair that FSPax penelise pilots for not
going to 7700 (Any ATC whilst flying online will not give you 7700 if you are actively being controlled)?
Just some thoughts...