19-08-2005, 11:56 PM
Some pics from a flight today. It almost looks like FS9! San Louis Obispo back to Van Nuys.
![[Image: PA28003.jpg]](http://www.tapetodigital.com/pics/flights/vnysbp/PA28003.jpg)
![[Image: PA28004.jpg]](http://www.tapetodigital.com/pics/flights/vnysbp/PA28004.jpg)
![[Image: PA28007.jpg]](http://www.tapetodigital.com/pics/flights/vnysbp/PA28007.jpg)
![[Image: PA28008.jpg]](http://www.tapetodigital.com/pics/flights/vnysbp/PA28008.jpg)
![[Image: PA28009.jpg]](http://www.tapetodigital.com/pics/flights/vnysbp/PA28009.jpg)
![[Image: PA28010.jpg]](http://www.tapetodigital.com/pics/flights/vnysbp/PA28010.jpg)
![[Image: PA28011.jpg]](http://www.tapetodigital.com/pics/flights/vnysbp/PA28011.jpg)
Post Edited ( 08-20-05 01:00 )
![[Image: PA28003.jpg]](http://www.tapetodigital.com/pics/flights/vnysbp/PA28003.jpg)
![[Image: PA28004.jpg]](http://www.tapetodigital.com/pics/flights/vnysbp/PA28004.jpg)
![[Image: PA28007.jpg]](http://www.tapetodigital.com/pics/flights/vnysbp/PA28007.jpg)
![[Image: PA28008.jpg]](http://www.tapetodigital.com/pics/flights/vnysbp/PA28008.jpg)
![[Image: PA28009.jpg]](http://www.tapetodigital.com/pics/flights/vnysbp/PA28009.jpg)
![[Image: PA28010.jpg]](http://www.tapetodigital.com/pics/flights/vnysbp/PA28010.jpg)
![[Image: PA28011.jpg]](http://www.tapetodigital.com/pics/flights/vnysbp/PA28011.jpg)
Post Edited ( 08-20-05 01:00 )
Some "real" FS9 pics!
19-08-2005, 11:56 PM
Some pics from a flight today. It almost looks like FS9! San Louis Obispo back to Van Nuys.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Post Edited ( 08-20-05 01:00 )
20-08-2005, 12:24 AM
Is that your Piper? Do you like Van Nuys? Ever landed at BUR? That's one of my favorites... tricky and fun approaches. I've never been to
Van Nuys, but I've flown over it quite a few times on approach to rwy 8 at KBUR.
20-08-2005, 12:50 AM
Yeah, just today on the way back I saw a Southwest 737 landing at KBUR. It was 2000 feet above us and 2 miles out probably
descending toward VNY vor. I yelled "SWAFOOOO" but you din't hear me. ![]() It's a tricky approach with a 737 because you have to stay relatively high until after you pass the VNY VOR. No it's not my piper but I'm training on it. Doing some flights from the right seat in preparation for the CFI license. It's not a big deal as I expected. Some people told me the first time they flew from the right seat they were way off the centerline on landing. I love Van Nuys. I did 3/4 of my training there. Instrument, Commercial and Multiengine. For the instrument training sometimes we took off vny and got a clrnc to intercept the localizer at KBUR. That's fun too, you barely have time to breathe! By the way, today I flew my first passenger (for free). Half-way through the climb I switched landing light off and I was looking where I could hit ctrl-shift-b to turn the seatbelt sign off. Let me know when you fly in this area...I'll meet you in the air 12345 ![]() and level off would do!) <---joking of course...! Post Edited ( 08-20-05 02:32 )
20-08-2005, 01:21 AM
By the way SWAFO...any chance you are going to show us the "real deal"? Some pics from the 737 pit maybe?
20-08-2005, 07:18 AM
Quote:silo wrote: I'd love to take some pictures in the cockpit, however SWA has strict regulations about items that are allowed up front (especially during flying). Since the only time I'm really in a pit is during flying, it's not very likely I'll be able to get some pictures for you guys. I could however try to work something out where I take some pictures after the day's flights... I'm not sure though, I'll see what I can do. Right now, due to the recent promotion, my job is more important than taking a few pictures (people have been terminated for similiar incidents). No guarantees, so I'll leave it at "I'll try". I'll let you know when I'm flying into your area. It might be BUR, or it might be LAX, ONT, or BNA... I'll try to get a trip (SWA's term for flight) out that way. I'll keep you posted.
20-08-2005, 08:14 AM
I had a flight lesson in june, it was in a Piper Archer... it was really cool.. I really was surprised by the short distance you can approach with
these little planes... Like in FS you're always redirected like 20 ms but this time it looked we were approaching with just a few yards distance lol ![]()
20-08-2005, 11:15 AM
Brad, maybe if you try with a helmet with a camera attached to it.
Now that you're a captain, I don't believe FO would dare to laugh in front of you! You'd have both hands for flying. Heck! What do you need hands anyway now that you've got FO! True, some may ask themselves what's the moto of a company whose pilots wear helmets... ![]() second hand helmet in SWA orange colour from a retired speleologist! ![]() Beside, I think if you move fast enough, nobody will notice you're wearing an orange helmet with a cam on it. ![]() An finally you'd instantly earn a Flying Legend status - without painstakingly collecting hours and points. And that in real life! Chance of a lifetime! ![]() ![]() "Blessed are those who can laugh at their own mistakes, for they shall never cease to be amused "
20-08-2005, 04:41 PM
SWAFO I had no idea that even you guys were forbidden from taking pics. Please please don't risk your job...it's not worth it. Maybe you
can ask for some kind of permission? Quote:I'll let you know when I'm flying into your area. It might be BUR, or it might be LAX, ONT, or BNA... I'll try to get a trip (SWA's term for Anytime! Just drop me a line.... firebug...good job. I think every FS9 simmer should take at least one lesson to see the real thing. Believe me it will make you flight sim sessions even more enjoyable. Especially with these $49 deals that they are advertising today all over the country it's a no brainer.
20-08-2005, 05:37 PM
Actually, we're not prohibited from taking pictures. It's more a general prohibition on ANYTHING in the cockpit that's not approved SWA
produced material. It's mainly for things like personal magazines, etc. I'd love to bring Computer Pilot from home and read a copy of it during a 4HR flight, but I simply can't. Now I can always brush up on the SWA FOM mind you! ![]() ![]()
20-08-2005, 06:48 PM
Man, i love flying, sure i go 3-4 times a week but just seeing pics of planes in the air is just to beautiful to pass up, so im on my way to
KUNU to do a little bit of flying myself, hey SWACPT ever get out to KMKE or KMDW, (i dont think southwest goes out of KORD) do they?
20-08-2005, 11:43 PM
No, we don't go to KMKE or KORD. We do fly to KMDW though. One of our major hubs (not in the traditional sense though... Southwest
doesn't use a hub and spoke system; we're known for point to point flying... nevermind though, back to topic ![]() as I always grab up the opprotunity when I see it on the trip list. I always aim for overnights as well, since most of my family is in the Detroit/Chicago area. The airport has some nice approaches (especially 22L when approaching from over Lake Michigan). Where is it that you live?
21-08-2005, 05:49 PM
well go 40 miles NW of KMKE and you'll find KUNU, i live near there in a small town called mayberry (i meant ville) (no wait i did mean
berry) Lake Michigan is a beautiful lake to fly over, I was able to use Meigs field once when i was training before god damn daley ripped it out and put a damn park in there, talk about an aviation disaster.
21-08-2005, 05:58 PM
Ripping up Meigs was one of the worst mistakes Chicago's made in a long time. Terrible, just terrible.
21-08-2005, 06:20 PM
The thing that always bugged me about that was that he said it was done on behalf of the Homeland Security people, who then informed the world that he
had done it on behalf of himself because it was actually part of their emergency plan... so what did officialdom do about his actions? Absolutely nothing!!! He cost the FAA a lot of money, pilots and the citizens of Chicago even more. The HS people had to redo their plans, and Daley gets to walk away whistling to do exactly the same again any time he pleases. Nice to see that double standards are alive and well in politics. Ian P.
21-08-2005, 07:10 PM
He did get fined actually and the FAA was pissed so was the AOPA, Daley really pissed off a lot of people by doing that, the big thing was
he didn't give notice to the FAA at all and he also did it overnight, not in the middle of the day when most construction takes place, but in the black of midnight, so he was full of shiite from the moment a construction truck hit the tarmac, unfortunately everyone gave up on getting Meigs field back, the best part about this story, since Daley didn't give notice of the closing, a beechcraft bonanza, and 9 other planes had to enter holding patterns over Meigs, i believe one plane was stuck there for about 8 hours before they were cleared to land at KMDW, i sure would like to speak with those pilots |
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