26-01-2015, 04:47 AM
Quote:jtw62074 wrote:
Maybe I'll just make a competing product. If one of you buys it accidentally because you're almost as stupid and uninformed as I am, or you buy the
wrong version for the
software you have, I'll just give you your money back like you asked without making a big deal of it like I do on all my other software.
On a happier note, I flew a real plane today for the first time in about 25 years and loved it!
Did you see Dan's sticky in the FsP General forum? He's working on a patch so that FsP will work with -SE. I'm surprised to see this but happy for -SE
users. Hope all is not lost for you in this endeavor.
As for your flight, congrats! I flew Saturday morning to a small airport in Dexter, Mo. for a bit of breakfast. Was a nice cold morning. Flew a 1947
Ryan Navion. The owner of the aircraft will never fly by himself, so I get the right seat most of the time. My step father usually flies with us on
our Saturday breakfast flights. Always a fun time! Next week I will spend much of my time in the Cessna Caravan in the northeast

the flying!
Post Edited ( 01-26-15 04:55 )
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