19-02-2010, 10:31 AM
Quote:DareDevil wrote:
Quote:mocambo wrote:
Hy, i try that but it doesn´t work.
In the meantime i reinstall the complete FSX with all the Add-on´s and from any Add-on i get the Safetyask: "Would you execute this progam"
Why the
hell does FSPX dont ask that, just blocked....
best regards
Hold. I do not understand whether you have a problem with not digitally signed software or trusted software. The two problems are different. Try this:
1) Boot your pc, and press F8 during the boot process. You will get an extended boot menu with several options. Choose the one that says "do not
enforce the digital signature check". I do not remember the exact words, but that's the sense of the option. Go on and then start FSX. Do you still
have the problem or not?
If the problem is gone --&gt this is a good news and a bad one: to make the things work, you will have ALWAYS to boot by pressing F8 and choosing that
option. But I have Windows 7/64bit as I well and I didn't need to do that so run FSXP, I suspect the problem is another one...
if the problem is still there --&gt then let's go to step 2)
2) You do not have a problem with digitally signed software, but with trusted software. Then open with notepad your FSX.cfg file (it is located
usually in C:\Users\"YOURUSER"\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX. There is a section called "[Trusted]". Look there for a line
containing the library used
by FSXP: fspassengersx.dll and delete the entire line. Save now the file and start FSX When you start FSX, it will ask you whether you should trust
the library fspassengerx.dll. Choose "Yes", then it should ask whether you want to ALWAYS trust that library: choose "Yes" again
and your problem
should be solved.
Let me know,
the problem must be something else cause FSPX work for ca. two month on this system and then suddendly this message appears.
To delete the FSPassengers entries in the FSX.cfg was one of my first try, but with no success.
Now i have a brand new FSX installation with new FSX.cfg and DLL.xml and if i install FSPX i get the entrie in the [Thrusted] section but if i start
the FSX with new FSXP installation there have to come the ask should i trust the liberary fspassangersx.dll but no ask appears just the message "there
is a Problem with Fspassengersx.dll The File is blocked" thats all. And i dont understand why??