15-08-2005, 08:01 AM
I must have inadvertantly said something to her when she scared me the 1st time 
Now she has the sulks and refuses to serve anything to the PAX during flight, although she still brings me coffee and drinks several times
Since I switched service to AUTO I haven't made a red cent... ie no sevice.
I've done several flights of about 2hrs which on manual service was just enough time for a movie, Hot meal , drinks etc.
Now she doesn't even give a sandwich or drink to increase PAX satisfaction, hence less points at end of flight.
I wonder how it was progarmmed for AUTO service ... does one have to do a trans atlantic flight or something. ??
I do set time of arrival so the program should know the length
I know that in 2 Hrs the PAx probably wont starve, but still.... a little snack maybe

Now she has the sulks and refuses to serve anything to the PAX during flight, although she still brings me coffee and drinks several times
Since I switched service to AUTO I haven't made a red cent... ie no sevice.
I've done several flights of about 2hrs which on manual service was just enough time for a movie, Hot meal , drinks etc.
Now she doesn't even give a sandwich or drink to increase PAX satisfaction, hence less points at end of flight.
I wonder how it was progarmmed for AUTO service ... does one have to do a trans atlantic flight or something. ??
I do set time of arrival so the program should know the length
I know that in 2 Hrs the PAx probably wont starve, but still.... a little snack maybe