15-11-2007, 10:56 PM
Finaly figured out how to solve the problem. (thnxs to a tip from a Dutch FS site)
The GPWS in FsP had to be changed manualy. By typing "f050" the GPWS level is set to 50ft.
Both PMDG 737-400 and 747-400 are now performing as should with the use of FsP.
As of now also for me some near perfect landings with satisfied PAX.
The GPWS in FsP had to be changed manualy. By typing "f050" the GPWS level is set to 50ft.
Both PMDG 737-400 and 747-400 are now performing as should with the use of FsP.

As of now also for me some near perfect landings with satisfied PAX.