05-10-2007, 09:28 AM
Hi! I got PPL (single engine) so I have the basic flying skills.
I already tried what you just explained.
The only problem I had was that the rudder wouldn't straighten it out. I'll try it again with a 777. If I don't have the problem with that type I
guess I just have a general 737 problem (If I approach with strong crosswinds I can't turn in to touch down straight on the runway in the last
seconds. The rudder seems to be disabled if I come close to ground.
Thanks anyways.....
I already tried what you just explained.
The only problem I had was that the rudder wouldn't straighten it out. I'll try it again with a 777. If I don't have the problem with that type I
guess I just have a general 737 problem (If I approach with strong crosswinds I can't turn in to touch down straight on the runway in the last
seconds. The rudder seems to be disabled if I come close to ground.
Thanks anyways.....