18-08-2007, 10:53 PM
So this is what that E-Mail was about 
Hello, sorry I've not been around lately. Other things have been happening that have got in the way. That, and even with a brand new GeForce 7600GT I
can't get above 15fps at Heathrow!
Raptor, yes Red Sky is my airline, and I haven't made any of the textures available on the net as of yet. Most of the free web space providers are
real arses about what you can put on your space (Usually this means no .zip files!) and I don't have an appropriate machine to run Apache Server on.
However, I shall try and sort out some smaller .zip files so they will fit on an E-mail for you
Here is my current (usable) fleet as it stands:
Dreamwings Dash-8 400
PMDG 737-700 with Winglets/stairs
PMDG 737-800 with Winglets
Project Opensky A330-300 with RR engines
CLS A340-600
PMDG 747-400 with RR engines
and of course Dave Maltby's Vickers VC10
I have textures for PM2 Concorde and Meljet 777 which are not part of my fleet. I also did have textures for iFDG A319, A321 and a bunch of AI ones
but have lost those in a reformat some months ago

Hello, sorry I've not been around lately. Other things have been happening that have got in the way. That, and even with a brand new GeForce 7600GT I
can't get above 15fps at Heathrow!

Raptor, yes Red Sky is my airline, and I haven't made any of the textures available on the net as of yet. Most of the free web space providers are
real arses about what you can put on your space (Usually this means no .zip files!) and I don't have an appropriate machine to run Apache Server on.
However, I shall try and sort out some smaller .zip files so they will fit on an E-mail for you

Here is my current (usable) fleet as it stands:
Dreamwings Dash-8 400
PMDG 737-700 with Winglets/stairs
PMDG 737-800 with Winglets
Project Opensky A330-300 with RR engines
CLS A340-600
PMDG 747-400 with RR engines
and of course Dave Maltby's Vickers VC10

I have textures for PM2 Concorde and Meljet 777 which are not part of my fleet. I also did have textures for iFDG A319, A321 and a bunch of AI ones
but have lost those in a reformat some months ago