13-07-2007, 04:39 PM
That's true, Michael. Remember my statement above? You may have full fuel tanks when starting out, but because the aircraft is at a low
altitude and high power settings during takeoff and climb, the fuel burn is going to be much higher, so if you kept the same power
settings throughout the flight, the endurance is going to be quite short. Once you have reached, let's say FL340, the air is far less dense
than at 12,000. Those jet engines start to "sip" fuel at that altitude rather than "gulp" it at 12,000 feet.
What you see on the FsP report is correct. Just be thankful that you don't see -1:30 or something like that
altitude and high power settings during takeoff and climb, the fuel burn is going to be much higher, so if you kept the same power
settings throughout the flight, the endurance is going to be quite short. Once you have reached, let's say FL340, the air is far less dense
than at 12,000. Those jet engines start to "sip" fuel at that altitude rather than "gulp" it at 12,000 feet.
What you see on the FsP report is correct. Just be thankful that you don't see -1:30 or something like that

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