04-08-2005, 10:16 PM
Quote:MrBuilder wrote:
Let me correct your response. All is said that it get's boring at times. I don't want to sit on my PC for an 8 hr flight doing nothing. Is there a
way I can disable the simulation rate. I really don't want to lose 30% on all profits.
FsPassengers would be good for 1hr 30 min of flight but more than that ????
Also, I would not mind paying 100 or 200 dollars for the product. I would be very happy to pay for a product that comes close to realism.
Remember, you can disable the non-realtime 30% penalty by editing the options in file more_option.cfg (the more_option.cfg is mentioned in the "Tips
and Tricks from Beta Testers" at the top of this forum). I have disabled this penatly simply because I'm too busy with work & family to afford time
for real-time simming. Without this option, I'd be disappointed in the same way as you.
Post Edited ( 08-04-05 23:28 )
300,000 km/sec. Its not just a good idea, its the law.