13-09-2005, 12:13 AM
Quote:SWAFO wrote:
You never stated what problem(s) exactly you're having with the PMDG 737.
I thought that was very clear; the problem is really in the myriad posts here at this forum indicating that FSP (a) does/doesn't
allow you to use the PMDG Aircraft Loader, (b) upsets the Center-of-Gravity if you don't run it in such-and-such a way, ©
one should/might/could use the "DisablePayloadDialogWeightModif" in the .ini file and, finally, (d) one
should/shouldn't/might use an alternate payload model from the 'More Downloads' section. If you're still unclear on what I meant,
simply do a global search for "PMDG" using the Search option on these forums and try to find a logical and concise explanation of how
one can avoid problems with the PMDG 737 (and for that matter, the 744). Quite simple really.
Additionally, the problem is really that -- after putting in hours and hours into this excellent product and raising a company/pilot from
the ground up -- I can now afford to "buy" a 737-700 for use in my airline. But why would I want to spend $52 million hard-earned
dollars on an aircraft that I won't be able to use effectively? Here you can see the reason for concern.
Quote:SWAFO wrote:
I don't understand from your post why you're having trouble getting the PMDG 737 to work with FSP. It's basically just like any other
complex add on aircraft (in getting it to work with FSP).
Ahh, and that's exactly the issue. I haven't seen any posts here (stickied or not) nor pointers in the manual on how to get FSP working
with "any other complex add on aircraft." There are simply snippets and roundabout answers to various and sundry issues raised
by PMDG 737/744 users. And, after all, if there was such an obvious post, I surely wouldn't have wasted anyone's time.

Quote:SWAFO wrote:
Basically, here's a short description of how I start up a flight with FSP/FS2Crew/PMDG 737 (if you don't have FS2Crew, it really doesn't
matter. There's not too much preflight involved with that.) <<snipped>>
Excellent, thank you very much for that; it helped out a great deal. However, I notice that you didn't mention...
(a) Whether you should/shouldn't use the PMDG Aircraft Loader and whether this conflicts with FSP, and
(b) Whether one should/shouldn't use the alternate Payload Model available in the D/L section of this website.
If we could just clear those last two items up, I'd be set.
Thanks again for your time.