12-09-2005, 10:25 PM
You never stated what problem(s) exactly you're having with the PMDG 737. You should be able to load up the aircraft, select it as the
active aircraft with FSP, setup your fuel, weather, etc. (whatever you like to set pre-flight), then start an FSP flight and away you go! I don't
understand from your post why you're having trouble getting the PMDG 737 to work with FSP. It's basically just like any other complex add
on aircraft (in getting it to work with FSP).
FSP simply complements the PMDG 737, and their implementation together is VERY straightforward.
Basically, here's a short description of how I start up a flight with FSP/FS2Crew/PMDG 737 (if you don't have FS2Crew, it really doesn't
matter. There's not too much preflight involved with that.)
-Start FS9
-Select my FS9 flightplan for the current flight (already have it planned prior to the flight). When it asks if you'd like to have your aircraft
positioned at the gate, select "Yes".
-Set the weather to "CLEAR SKIES"
-Make sure the Cessna aircraft is your default startup aircraft (this is done to combat an issue with FS2Crew... if you don't have FS2Crew,
you can start with the PMDG aircraft).
-Load the flight
-Set the current weather
-Set the required fuel load using the FS9 fuel loading utility (in the "Aircraft" menu)
-Get FS2Crew setup (if you don't have it, ignore this step... I won't go into detail about FS2Crew since you didn't specify owning it.)
-Set the FS9 time to 1 minute ahead of the current time (this is done to offset the time FSP takes to setup).
-Start your FSP flight. Set all required variables from the FSP load screen (this includes PAX number, cargo amount, flight time/arrival
time, destination, flight ID, etc.).
-When you have everything setup, and your time on your watch (or whatever you use while flying) reads the time you set FS9 too, start
loading the aircraft (meaning your mini display/detailed display appears where ever you have it set, and shows the PAX as loading, or
already loaded... depending on what you chose in the FSP setup screen).
-After this, you're basically ready to fly. Make sure to complete pre-flight flows/briefings, etc. and you're good to go!
Also note that I didn't mention anything about opening/closing the doors. I use FS2Crew, and as such this is done automatically. If you
don't use FS2Crew, then you can open/close the doors via the appropriate method.
Hope this helps!
active aircraft with FSP, setup your fuel, weather, etc. (whatever you like to set pre-flight), then start an FSP flight and away you go! I don't
understand from your post why you're having trouble getting the PMDG 737 to work with FSP. It's basically just like any other complex add
on aircraft (in getting it to work with FSP).
FSP simply complements the PMDG 737, and their implementation together is VERY straightforward.
Basically, here's a short description of how I start up a flight with FSP/FS2Crew/PMDG 737 (if you don't have FS2Crew, it really doesn't
matter. There's not too much preflight involved with that.)
-Start FS9
-Select my FS9 flightplan for the current flight (already have it planned prior to the flight). When it asks if you'd like to have your aircraft
positioned at the gate, select "Yes".
-Set the weather to "CLEAR SKIES"
-Make sure the Cessna aircraft is your default startup aircraft (this is done to combat an issue with FS2Crew... if you don't have FS2Crew,
you can start with the PMDG aircraft).
-Load the flight
-Set the current weather
-Set the required fuel load using the FS9 fuel loading utility (in the "Aircraft" menu)
-Get FS2Crew setup (if you don't have it, ignore this step... I won't go into detail about FS2Crew since you didn't specify owning it.)
-Set the FS9 time to 1 minute ahead of the current time (this is done to offset the time FSP takes to setup).
-Start your FSP flight. Set all required variables from the FSP load screen (this includes PAX number, cargo amount, flight time/arrival
time, destination, flight ID, etc.).
-When you have everything setup, and your time on your watch (or whatever you use while flying) reads the time you set FS9 too, start
loading the aircraft (meaning your mini display/detailed display appears where ever you have it set, and shows the PAX as loading, or
already loaded... depending on what you chose in the FSP setup screen).
-After this, you're basically ready to fly. Make sure to complete pre-flight flows/briefings, etc. and you're good to go!
Also note that I didn't mention anything about opening/closing the doors. I use FS2Crew, and as such this is done automatically. If you
don't use FS2Crew, then you can open/close the doors via the appropriate method.
Hope this helps!