25-08-2005, 05:37 PM
I'm swiss born in switzerland and I live in france right now,
SecondReality is a swiss company
Anyway I'me alway gratteful for text errors input so I can correct them
I already changed all the "somes" found in the code to "some"
and also somes (ah ah) others errors. that were reported.
Anyway the only problem is that I can't keep track of all the thread that report
text error, I have dozen (hundred?) mails and posts to read everyday...
when time come to corrects things I usually don't find the related threadas
they are spread all over forum.
So I'll open a "post your text error" thread and stick it on top of forum
can you all repost your error here ?
many thanks
SecondReality is a swiss company

Anyway I'me alway gratteful for text errors input so I can correct them
I already changed all the "somes" found in the code to "some"
and also somes (ah ah) others errors. that were reported.
Anyway the only problem is that I can't keep track of all the thread that report
text error, I have dozen (hundred?) mails and posts to read everyday...
when time come to corrects things I usually don't find the related threadas
they are spread all over forum.
So I'll open a "post your text error" thread and stick it on top of forum
can you all repost your error here ?
many thanks