21-08-2005, 06:40 PM
First you set out a folder to where you wan't your VA script to be. I think you might have to have folder/file permissions on the server of
which you are hosting this with. Make sure you have MYSQL also and create a database called fsp or what ever you want it to be called.
Bring up the FSPadmin through your internet explorer and Edit general settings and set your settings and instert the correct database
names. Hit Write Settings when you are through. It should appear to the right that your status is Connected. It might say somthing about
creating tables, do click on that. Now your database tables are created. You can go into the User Admin and add users of which people
can export flights to it.
If you are using a frame you must select your frame to go to FsPlistflight.php and nothin else.
I inserted my va sript onto my forum, you can see it at http://aitraffic.no-ip.org/FsPlistflight.php
Post Edited ( 08-21-05 19:41 )
which you are hosting this with. Make sure you have MYSQL also and create a database called fsp or what ever you want it to be called.
Bring up the FSPadmin through your internet explorer and Edit general settings and set your settings and instert the correct database
names. Hit Write Settings when you are through. It should appear to the right that your status is Connected. It might say somthing about
creating tables, do click on that. Now your database tables are created. You can go into the User Admin and add users of which people
can export flights to it.
If you are using a frame you must select your frame to go to FsPlistflight.php and nothin else.
I inserted my va sript onto my forum, you can see it at http://aitraffic.no-ip.org/FsPlistflight.php
Post Edited ( 08-21-05 19:41 )