23-08-2005, 11:35 PM
Poor Dan,
There are those who ask stupid questions and also those who are always complaining.
24 shorcuts to learn ! Horrible !
Action Key
Call a mayday Ctrl+Shift+M
Play/stop/next music Ctrl+Shift+T
Set belt sign on/off Ctrl+Shift+B
Display in-flight report Ctrl+Shift+I
Display passengers list Ctrl+Shift+P
Serve drinks Ctrl+Shift+D
Serve sandwiches Ctrl+Shift+F
Serve hot food Ctrl+Shift+H
Play movie Ctrl+Shift+O
Show/hide the mini display Ctrl+Shift+V
Switch mini-display mode Verbose/Short Ctrl+Shift+C
Stop the current announcement SPACE
Inhibit the GPWS flaps warning Ctrl+Shift+1
Inhibit the GPWS gear warning Ctrl+Shift+2
Ask 250kts clearance Ctrl+Shift+3
Input number by keyboard: (see help at bottom)
Input COM frequency with keyboard C
Input NAV frequency with keyboard N
Input VOR course with keyboard J
Input Autopilot heading with keyboard H
Input Autopilot altitude with keyboard A
Input Autopilot speed with keyboard V
Input GPWS decision height with keyboard F
Input transponder code with keyboard K
Input altimeter pressure with keyboard L
I just remember when I learned to use a new statistics software : 7,000 pages of doc....
Post Edited ( 08-24-05 00:37 )
There are those who ask stupid questions and also those who are always complaining.
24 shorcuts to learn ! Horrible !
Action Key
Call a mayday Ctrl+Shift+M
Play/stop/next music Ctrl+Shift+T
Set belt sign on/off Ctrl+Shift+B
Display in-flight report Ctrl+Shift+I
Display passengers list Ctrl+Shift+P
Serve drinks Ctrl+Shift+D
Serve sandwiches Ctrl+Shift+F
Serve hot food Ctrl+Shift+H
Play movie Ctrl+Shift+O
Show/hide the mini display Ctrl+Shift+V
Switch mini-display mode Verbose/Short Ctrl+Shift+C
Stop the current announcement SPACE
Inhibit the GPWS flaps warning Ctrl+Shift+1
Inhibit the GPWS gear warning Ctrl+Shift+2
Ask 250kts clearance Ctrl+Shift+3
Input number by keyboard: (see help at bottom)
Input COM frequency with keyboard C
Input NAV frequency with keyboard N
Input VOR course with keyboard J
Input Autopilot heading with keyboard H
Input Autopilot altitude with keyboard A
Input Autopilot speed with keyboard V
Input GPWS decision height with keyboard F
Input transponder code with keyboard K
Input altimeter pressure with keyboard L
I just remember when I learned to use a new statistics software : 7,000 pages of doc....
Post Edited ( 08-24-05 00:37 )