23-06-2013, 03:16 AM
Purchased my copy from the flight sim store and had no prob's whatsoever. Instant download instant fun and "aggravation" ( in a nice way). Please
give it a chance. I am no computer wiz and yet I had no issues downloading the demo and then registering Fsp after the purchase . I am glad I spent
the money and wish that Dan would not be as disappointed by some of the comments I read here. It must be frustrating to spend so may hrs. on a
program to get some jealous comments and people that would steal this brilliant hard work. I hope you get it all worked out for you but I am very
happy with Fsp.
give it a chance. I am no computer wiz and yet I had no issues downloading the demo and then registering Fsp after the purchase . I am glad I spent
the money and wish that Dan would not be as disappointed by some of the comments I read here. It must be frustrating to spend so may hrs. on a
program to get some jealous comments and people that would steal this brilliant hard work. I hope you get it all worked out for you but I am very
happy with Fsp.
Captain to F/Officer: I didn't say it was your fault, I'm just blaming you.
Proud owner of a registered FspassengerX copy from the FSStore.
Proud owner of a registered FspassengerX copy from the FSStore.