09-12-2008, 11:55 AM
Hello everyone RDC-(Chobits)-Airways here!
I am vary happy to say that i now own a full copy of FSP i got it for a early X-max gift from my mother and let me tell you
I LOVE IT now i can fly out of KPHX my home airport i started 3 new comaneys and they are called
RDC-(Chobits)-1 / RDC-(Chobits)-2 / RDC-(Chobits)-3 with 13 planes in each one!
I only use Boeing 7E7-800's not the payware 787s when i need to fly for one of the other comaneys i just transfer my pilot over
ya it costs but i can aford it i am a C3 right now working my way up to the top i fly with my best buddy and co-pilot David he and me
fly day and night and i love it!!!
i wood like to thank Dan for his best game add-on ever made in siming history and all who helped
make it possabile and to all who support this add-on as well as flight simulator 2004 AKA FS9 I will contact you all with in update
on how i am doing in about 20 days from 12/08/2008!!!
P.S. for every one that thinks that a crack copy of FSP is good or safe just know this i did not work out for my BRO and it will not work
out for YOU!!!!!!! if you like FSP that much then go buy it help keep the dream alive!!! dont be my brother
Come be a simmer insted 
Happy flying every one & remmber to wacthout for thows birds on takeoff they can be nasty LOL
from you good feaind and fellow simmer -> RDC-(Chobits)-Airways!
I am vary happy to say that i now own a full copy of FSP i got it for a early X-max gift from my mother and let me tell you
I LOVE IT now i can fly out of KPHX my home airport i started 3 new comaneys and they are called
RDC-(Chobits)-1 / RDC-(Chobits)-2 / RDC-(Chobits)-3 with 13 planes in each one!
I only use Boeing 7E7-800's not the payware 787s when i need to fly for one of the other comaneys i just transfer my pilot over
ya it costs but i can aford it i am a C3 right now working my way up to the top i fly with my best buddy and co-pilot David he and me
fly day and night and i love it!!!

make it possabile and to all who support this add-on as well as flight simulator 2004 AKA FS9 I will contact you all with in update
on how i am doing in about 20 days from 12/08/2008!!!
P.S. for every one that thinks that a crack copy of FSP is good or safe just know this i did not work out for my BRO and it will not work
out for YOU!!!!!!! if you like FSP that much then go buy it help keep the dream alive!!! dont be my brother

Happy flying every one & remmber to wacthout for thows birds on takeoff they can be nasty LOL
from you good feaind and fellow simmer -> RDC-(Chobits)-Airways!
RDC (Chobits)