22-11-2005, 09:24 AM
Quote:Sovek wrote:
And I got news for you, Ive been out of a job for the past 5-6 months now, I still managed to buy it, its called odd jobs. I will agree that the price
is a little high, HOWEVER that does not give you the right to pirate his software, and I wont agree that it's worth $15. Look at the competition
though, doesnt even come close to FSP, and their products are $30+
In my oppinion, this software is worth more than $30+, it's one of the best out there, and if not the most original one. But I might be one of a kind,
if I like a product, I don't care too much of the price, I'll just live on pasta and noodles for a week or two to compensate the expense. (all though
this haven't happened yet, I got a nice overview of my budget and try my best not to exceed it)
Once you get a nice addon plane you really like to fly in FS9, this is the next addon to buy if you ask me, then some awesome scenery of the area you
fly in the most (in my case scandinavia) and then you can add more planes to your stock... I did the wrong way around though, LOTS of planes, some
scenery and then FsP...
And piracy won't help develop better software as the income gets lower and companies and people can't live on it. So support the software that you
like and use. And if you don't like a software, that's not a reason to use piracy, then you shouldn't be using the program at all :D
Good morning by the way
Nasder, "I came, I saw and I got shot down."
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