22-11-2005, 08:15 AM
Quote:Sovek wrote:
SIMPLE?????? what planet are you from? it took Dan at least a year to make this addon, if not more. And if its so simple why dont you
make it
yourself??? oh wait, you dont know how.
And I got news for you, Ive been out of a job for the past 5-6 months now, I still managed to buy it, its called odd jobs. I will agree that the
is a little high, HOWEVER that does not give you the right to pirate his software, and I wont agree that it's worth $15. Look at the
though, doesnt even come close to FSP, and their products are $30+
As you to try the game really it is funny or not I did it.
And Dear Dan;really I was thinking that you were aiming much money like some big companies in IT world.You know what I mean.Also,I
sorry for this,but I liked your programme very much and I will buy it from you in sooner,this is my promise.
I had some wrong idea about your aims,but by your writings now I understand what I did false.I'm too sorry and please accept my
excuses.I will save money and I will buy from you.As you know I said I cant accept to not consider rights.I didnt consider your position and
status,but dont forget that I didnt have a bad idea.Even after cracking and using FSP I said myselves "okay this is nice game but I should
buy it".