21-11-2005, 10:29 PM
And my retort is if you cannot afford it then dont buy it.
Because I cannot afford a Ferrari, doesnt mean I am going to go out and steal one because I like them and think I should be able to have
one too.
If I dont have the money for art paints, Im not going to go into an art supply store and steal the paint because I need it, or want it.
Not being able to afford it is NO excuse for stealing NONE. NADA.
Its because of the mentality that if one can find it on the internet somewhere free, then there is no need to buy it, that takes money from
someone that deserves it for hundreds if not thousands of hours programming that they invested.
Dear SaVa,
Also you dont sell Ferrari too,or any program that includes very huge database and very uniqe codes.To add,I cracked it by my hands and
now I say that when sales start,I will buy.I didnt steal your programme;stealing is getting something from someone without his or her
permission then selling it to someone.But i didnt share your cracked programme with someone and I wont do it.
But when it comes to suitable price level I will but it;unfortunatelly here is a marketing mistake.As you see,you couldnt market your
product to me even if it isnt a Ferrari man.