06-09-2005, 10:49 AM
I am an rabid supporter of copyrites and HATE people that infringe on them. It is because of hackers that software is so damned expensive. This
isn't just endemic to the software industry but music and any other form of recorded entertainment suffers as well. Whenever people offer me a 'free'
copy of their software I refuse and I will not ever hand over a copy of my software that I paid for to others. I wish they wouldn't even ask. Some
may say I am being a goody two shoes about it, but I say they are being stupid for not paying for it in the first place. Supply and demand will bring
the prices down to a more reasonable level if people would just do what is right!
You have created a fantastic program. My wife hates me now...but I love what FSP has done to my simming experience.
isn't just endemic to the software industry but music and any other form of recorded entertainment suffers as well. Whenever people offer me a 'free'
copy of their software I refuse and I will not ever hand over a copy of my software that I paid for to others. I wish they wouldn't even ask. Some
may say I am being a goody two shoes about it, but I say they are being stupid for not paying for it in the first place. Supply and demand will bring
the prices down to a more reasonable level if people would just do what is right!
You have created a fantastic program. My wife hates me now...but I love what FSP has done to my simming experience.
Rember blue is soft, green is hard.