23-08-2005, 06:30 AM
Hi all,
I fully agree with You folks, it is worth it and NO I did not try the eval version first before buying. Just read the forums, looked at some screenies
and thought "Yep".
I also bought this via simmarket, and I am not at all ashamed for that since - no pun intended - there are quite some small outfits around where I'm
not sure one should trust them (cash without return). Simmarket is a quick-responding shop collecting a wide bandwidth of addons, they act
responsibly, and thank You Dan for giving us this option, too.
I'm afraid to say that the hardcore cracked-stuff people won't care at all about these statements, in fact, regarding some high-priced so-called
"quality" add-ons released in the last years with desastrous after-effects (performance, customer support, bugs...) Though it might get me flamed, I
cannot even really blame them from my whole heart since MOST addons wont come with a demo/eval version, and more than a few used paying customers as
alpha- or beta-testers. Buy or dont. Eat or die. Pay and get angry. Sorry, not with me anymore. Only when they have such a recommendation (wide-spread
reviews, forums etc.) that cannot be faked easily, I might consider otherwise, like I did here. This time, I was lucky.
No, I do NOT agree with using cracked stuff for so-called "evaluation", though I understand it a bit, flightsimming is getting more and more expensive
and 30 bucks spent on crap are just 30 bucks lost. Though I can and will not agree, as long as satisfied users afterwards BUY that original, I can and
will not blame them either. Does not really apply here, I know, since an eval is available.
But I still regret buying FSE from LAGO (which was the last straw), still to-date not really delivering what was announced since my object exchange
does not work and Lago's support is simply nonexistent. May someone up there smite them! Or release some poo from altitude directly on their heads.
Most objects I use nowadays come via Avsim, ready-to-import, and thanks to all You out there not giving up and uploading Your stuff to free sites. If
I had "tried" a cracked version I would never have bought it since it is simply NOT delivering (what I paid for).
I also am no hardcore "as-real-as-it gets"-person; I like simming to relax or to entertain me. Or spend some time with nice thoughts and memories on
bygone vacations while flying "back there". So, no FMCs for me, FSNAV is all I need. I work with computers for a living, and thank You, nope, I wont
spent time with lengthy input on a VIRTUAL computer and working checklists in my free time. So, buying the PMDG737's or similar - though admitted
really high quality - is just wasted money to me.
Dan, thanks for FSPax, it delivers the right balance of "reality" vs. "fun". I wish more addon developers would give us the options You did: A
non-crippled evaluation version, different ways of purchase, and support/feedback in Your (friendly) forum. Oh, thanks to Your moderators as well.
A happy customer
Torsten aka Passenger57
I fully agree with You folks, it is worth it and NO I did not try the eval version first before buying. Just read the forums, looked at some screenies
and thought "Yep".
I also bought this via simmarket, and I am not at all ashamed for that since - no pun intended - there are quite some small outfits around where I'm
not sure one should trust them (cash without return). Simmarket is a quick-responding shop collecting a wide bandwidth of addons, they act
responsibly, and thank You Dan for giving us this option, too.
I'm afraid to say that the hardcore cracked-stuff people won't care at all about these statements, in fact, regarding some high-priced so-called
"quality" add-ons released in the last years with desastrous after-effects (performance, customer support, bugs...) Though it might get me flamed, I
cannot even really blame them from my whole heart since MOST addons wont come with a demo/eval version, and more than a few used paying customers as
alpha- or beta-testers. Buy or dont. Eat or die. Pay and get angry. Sorry, not with me anymore. Only when they have such a recommendation (wide-spread
reviews, forums etc.) that cannot be faked easily, I might consider otherwise, like I did here. This time, I was lucky.
No, I do NOT agree with using cracked stuff for so-called "evaluation", though I understand it a bit, flightsimming is getting more and more expensive
and 30 bucks spent on crap are just 30 bucks lost. Though I can and will not agree, as long as satisfied users afterwards BUY that original, I can and
will not blame them either. Does not really apply here, I know, since an eval is available.
But I still regret buying FSE from LAGO (which was the last straw), still to-date not really delivering what was announced since my object exchange
does not work and Lago's support is simply nonexistent. May someone up there smite them! Or release some poo from altitude directly on their heads.
Most objects I use nowadays come via Avsim, ready-to-import, and thanks to all You out there not giving up and uploading Your stuff to free sites. If
I had "tried" a cracked version I would never have bought it since it is simply NOT delivering (what I paid for).
I also am no hardcore "as-real-as-it gets"-person; I like simming to relax or to entertain me. Or spend some time with nice thoughts and memories on
bygone vacations while flying "back there". So, no FMCs for me, FSNAV is all I need. I work with computers for a living, and thank You, nope, I wont
spent time with lengthy input on a VIRTUAL computer and working checklists in my free time. So, buying the PMDG737's or similar - though admitted
really high quality - is just wasted money to me.
Dan, thanks for FSPax, it delivers the right balance of "reality" vs. "fun". I wish more addon developers would give us the options You did: A
non-crippled evaluation version, different ways of purchase, and support/feedback in Your (friendly) forum. Oh, thanks to Your moderators as well.
A happy customer
Torsten aka Passenger57