31-07-2005, 09:55 AM
I did 14hrs and was not even at full capacity.
L/R tanks 100%, center about 90%. I think at optimal load with max capacity, the A340 can do arround 7500nm. I'm not 100% on this
though. I know the A380 can DEFINATELY reach 8000 / 8500nm
The fact that the PSS plane's seat bealt sign doesn't register with FsP already tells me that button is modelled incorrectly. I guess it's
very possible that the feul tanks / consumption is not right either. PSS must fix this crap
Dan, re the DDL... Drop me a mail when you're not *THAT* busy. Prop after you release the new version. We can definately talk and help
each other.
L/R tanks 100%, center about 90%. I think at optimal load with max capacity, the A340 can do arround 7500nm. I'm not 100% on this
though. I know the A380 can DEFINATELY reach 8000 / 8500nm
The fact that the PSS plane's seat bealt sign doesn't register with FsP already tells me that button is modelled incorrectly. I guess it's
very possible that the feul tanks / consumption is not right either. PSS must fix this crap

Dan, re the DDL... Drop me a mail when you're not *THAT* busy. Prop after you release the new version. We can definately talk and help
each other.