25-07-2005, 08:31 PM
Excuse me, but if you have the mini-report UNDOCKED in a windows box,
say up in the left hand corner of your monitor, then you DOCK it, it literally "flies" down to a
predetermined position on the 2D panel. It most certainly does not STAY in the left
upper corner does it now??? I don't think so. That's what my question was. Can
the DOCKED window position be moved, becuase on my system, the docked
window cannot be moved for Love, liquor or money; it can only be moved if
say up in the left hand corner of your monitor, then you DOCK it, it literally "flies" down to a
predetermined position on the 2D panel. It most certainly does not STAY in the left
upper corner does it now??? I don't think so. That's what my question was. Can
the DOCKED window position be moved, becuase on my system, the docked
window cannot be moved for Love, liquor or money; it can only be moved if