28-09-2006, 03:20 PM
....again MORE causes for CTD
As mentioned before - 3rd. party addon's are not always 100% compatible with each other. An unfortunate example I encountered is the
combination on Ultimate Terrain Europe with Germany1-4, MegaAirport Frankfurt and German Airports1-4. After browsing through
loads of forums and threads I finally was able to end the ennoying CTD phase when flying INTO Germany (no warning, error
Conclusion: CTD's can be very complex to detect and solve -> the cleaner an installation -> the easier
As mentioned before - 3rd. party addon's are not always 100% compatible with each other. An unfortunate example I encountered is the
combination on Ultimate Terrain Europe with Germany1-4, MegaAirport Frankfurt and German Airports1-4. After browsing through
loads of forums and threads I finally was able to end the ennoying CTD phase when flying INTO Germany (no warning, error
Conclusion: CTD's can be very complex to detect and solve -> the cleaner an installation -> the easier