21-09-2007, 05:23 AM
Quote:ehunyadi wrote:
My one and only failure (so far) has been a failure of the gear to retract upon takeoff.
Since this was a VERY short hop (54NM), I decided to press onward to burn off the excess fuel (we took off at MTOW) and land at our
destination. The
funny part was that we made it in on time, albeit with the fanfare of a light and sound show (of fire engines following us) as we landed.
I got the best score of my career because apparently I'd handled it correctly. The funny part was that this was my third flight with FSP. I've
nearly 50 flights in now and am a C4 and have yet to have anything else happen (but I know it's lurking, so I'm always vigilant).
I've been on flights with stuck gear and even a decompression with nothing really else left to do but to continue on (they were both short
haul flights) With the decompression, we had enough fuel onboard to go from KJFK to KBOS at 10,000' so we did. Nothing wrong with
that!! Good job at calling the shots. I'm sure your pax were a lot happier you didn't go back!!!