15-07-2007, 09:45 PM
Not really an in-flight failure but a costly pilot error resulting in damage and a bunch of penalty points:
Flight ID: AA83
Pilot: Leftcoaster
Company: American Classic
Aircraft: Boeing 707-123 American Airlines 1959
Flight Date: July 15 1959
Departure: 07h48 (13h48 GMT)
Arrival: 08h36 (15h36 GMT)
From: XDEN - Denver Stapleton - USA
To: KPHX - Phoenix Sky Harbor Intl - Usa
Nbr of Passengers: 83
Flight Distance: 511 Nm Landing Speed: 122.92 kt
Time Airborne: 01h41:22 Landing Touchdown: -353.08 ft/m
Flight Time (block): 01h48:35 Landing Pitch: 5.90°
Time On Ground: 00h13:33 Landing Weight: 174134 lbs
Average Speed: 302.65 kt Total Fuel Used: 23165 lbs
Max. Altitude: FL 330 Fuel Not Used: 22072 lbs
Climb Time: 00h18:46 Climb Fuel Used: 7321 lbs
Cruise Time: 00h38:00 Cruise Fuel Used: 5388 lbs
Average Cruise Speed: 488.59 kt M0.78 Cruise fuel/hour: 8508 lbs (calc)
Descent Time: 00h44:36 Descent Fuel Used: 10455 lbs
Passenger Opinion: Very shaky flight (68%)
-Were in a better mood because they had food.
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.
-Were angry because you made what seemed to be a dangerous take-off.
Company Reputation:
Considering that the flight was not good the ticket price normal, the service price normal and the service quality perfect, passengers on
this flight think that your company's reputation should be 68%
Your company reputation is now: 92% (-2.50 decrease)
Overall Flight Result: Horrible
Pilot Bonus points: 30 points
· You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)
Pilot's Penalty points: -740 points ($201 bill)
· At departure airport you rolled at 137 kt beyond the edge of the runway.The landing gear sustained some damage and our
company has received a fine of $201. (-740)
I know -740 points isn't impressive for some but I'm used to flying big propliners (DC-6B, Constellations etc) and near perfect flights
most of the time. This was my first civilian jet flight in some time. Lesson learned, check runway length after getting taxi clearance.
Denver's runway 13 is only 7000' and that's too short for a first generation 707 even with full throttle, water injection and flaps 30 on a hot
summer morning.
Just after V1 was called, the end of the runway appeared. D'oh.
Vr was 138 kts and as you can see I ALMOST made it but ended up doing $117,000 damage to the mains because the nosewheel was
already off the ground. Rest of the trip was fine (except for the little matter of the go-around at Phoenix)...
Well Mrs Lincoln, other than that how did you like the play?
Flight ID: AA83
Pilot: Leftcoaster
Company: American Classic
Aircraft: Boeing 707-123 American Airlines 1959
Flight Date: July 15 1959
Departure: 07h48 (13h48 GMT)
Arrival: 08h36 (15h36 GMT)
From: XDEN - Denver Stapleton - USA
To: KPHX - Phoenix Sky Harbor Intl - Usa
Nbr of Passengers: 83
Flight Distance: 511 Nm Landing Speed: 122.92 kt
Time Airborne: 01h41:22 Landing Touchdown: -353.08 ft/m
Flight Time (block): 01h48:35 Landing Pitch: 5.90°
Time On Ground: 00h13:33 Landing Weight: 174134 lbs
Average Speed: 302.65 kt Total Fuel Used: 23165 lbs
Max. Altitude: FL 330 Fuel Not Used: 22072 lbs
Climb Time: 00h18:46 Climb Fuel Used: 7321 lbs
Cruise Time: 00h38:00 Cruise Fuel Used: 5388 lbs
Average Cruise Speed: 488.59 kt M0.78 Cruise fuel/hour: 8508 lbs (calc)
Descent Time: 00h44:36 Descent Fuel Used: 10455 lbs
Passenger Opinion: Very shaky flight (68%)
-Were in a better mood because they had food.
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.
-Were angry because you made what seemed to be a dangerous take-off.
Company Reputation:
Considering that the flight was not good the ticket price normal, the service price normal and the service quality perfect, passengers on
this flight think that your company's reputation should be 68%
Your company reputation is now: 92% (-2.50 decrease)
Overall Flight Result: Horrible
Pilot Bonus points: 30 points
· You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)
Pilot's Penalty points: -740 points ($201 bill)
· At departure airport you rolled at 137 kt beyond the edge of the runway.The landing gear sustained some damage and our
company has received a fine of $201. (-740)
I know -740 points isn't impressive for some but I'm used to flying big propliners (DC-6B, Constellations etc) and near perfect flights
most of the time. This was my first civilian jet flight in some time. Lesson learned, check runway length after getting taxi clearance.
Denver's runway 13 is only 7000' and that's too short for a first generation 707 even with full throttle, water injection and flaps 30 on a hot
summer morning.
Just after V1 was called, the end of the runway appeared. D'oh.
Vr was 138 kts and as you can see I ALMOST made it but ended up doing $117,000 damage to the mains because the nosewheel was
already off the ground. Rest of the trip was fine (except for the little matter of the go-around at Phoenix)...
Well Mrs Lincoln, other than that how did you like the play?