30-03-2007, 09:36 PM
Wonderful pics everyone
It's good to finally get home today. Have had my share of real time dodging and threading through
thunderstorms the past 2 days/nights in the caravan, so maybe snow will be a welcome relief in FS9
Nasty crosswinds on 2
approaches down to 300 ft. AGL wasn't very appealing either. It all worked out in the end though. Now it's time for me to get busy and fly
on to Irkutsk

thunderstorms the past 2 days/nights in the caravan, so maybe snow will be a welcome relief in FS9

approaches down to 300 ft. AGL wasn't very appealing either. It all worked out in the end though. Now it's time for me to get busy and fly
on to Irkutsk

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