12-01-2007, 03:03 PM
I'm new to FSP, the best add-on for fs2004 ever made IMHO.
After fooling around a bit, I started a company, economic mode & career mode. Started with a 182 soon expanded the fleet with a A36
Bonanza whith the config file from the download section here. So with the A36 I was only transporting VIPS which is good for earning
money. At the moment I'm flying the Baron 58, took some time before I had the correct config file edited to have only VIP seats again.
The next two aircraft on my whishlist are the digital aviation Piper Cheyenne II XL and the Beechcraft 1900D.
My question is about the 1900D. I want to fly bussiness class with that but what would be the correct number of seats in a 1900D with
bussiness class seating?
Hope one of you knows.
Happy landings.
I'm new to FSP, the best add-on for fs2004 ever made IMHO.
After fooling around a bit, I started a company, economic mode & career mode. Started with a 182 soon expanded the fleet with a A36
Bonanza whith the config file from the download section here. So with the A36 I was only transporting VIPS which is good for earning
money. At the moment I'm flying the Baron 58, took some time before I had the correct config file edited to have only VIP seats again.
The next two aircraft on my whishlist are the digital aviation Piper Cheyenne II XL and the Beechcraft 1900D.
My question is about the 1900D. I want to fly bussiness class with that but what would be the correct number of seats in a 1900D with
bussiness class seating?
Hope one of you knows.
Happy landings.