05-01-2007, 12:43 AM
Quote:DBE wrote:I just checked the afcad from the add-on scenery that I still have from the first tour and it shows 2 asphalt runways
Quote:Joeflyer wrote:
I have tested out AYGA's runways for landing with FsP. We are all gonna get BIG penalties landing there..no matter which runway you use.
Each airplane I have tested with has gotten the "running off the runway at such and such knots, damaging the landing gear, and pax
opinion saying it's a horrible flight",etc, etc. Maybe that's because we'll be landing on a freak'n gravel runwayI hope everyone has
enough $$$ in their companies to buy new landing gearOf course I am referring to Leg #9.
I'll see if I can organise an AFCAD update for that one then!

Did you already install the add-on, Joe?