29-06-2006, 10:52 PM
Recent crash I had
Flight NF352 flight report log Date June 29 2006
Flight ID: NF352
Pilot: Richard G Rees-Williams (RIP)
Company: Hermes Aviation Air Charter
Aircraft: Boeing 737-300 (Delta OC)
Flight Date: June 29 2006
Departure: 13h41 (11h42 GMT)
Arrival: --
From: LEIB - Ibiza - Spain
To: LEIB - Ibiza - Spain
Nbr of Passengers: 147
Accident Report:
The aircraft crashed at 13h56 hitting ground at 126 kt with a vert. speed of -856 ft/m.
According to the black-box we deduce the following: one engine sustained major damage shortly after take-off due to a bird strike and shutdown
immediately. This is one of the worst possible in-flight emergencies. This was probably the root cause of the crash. The Captain has declared an
emergency before the crash.
-147 passengers aboard
-147 killed
-0 injured
-Pilot and flight crew were killed
Flight Distance: 0 Nm Landing Speed: --
Time Airborne: 00h08:02 Landing Touchdown: --
Flight Time (block): 00h14:29 Landing Pitch: --
Time On Ground: 00h06:28 Landing Weight: --
Average Speed: 7.54 kt Total Fuel Used: 1093 lbs
Max. Altitude: 2204ft Fuel Not Used: 18115 lbs
Passenger Opinion: Terror and grief. (0%)
-Were irritated by the excess G-forces. (+2.44).
-Were very anxious because of the problem during flight.
Crash Financial Report:
Taking into account the state of the aircraft and its current resale value after the crash. The insurance company decided to pay a total of
£12,278,883 which represents 53.13% of the resale value. You can now decide to repair or sell the wreck. The insurance will pay all other damages. The
insurance rate increased by 2.00% and is now 7.98%.
Total Sim Income: £12,278,883
Company Reputation:
Due to the crash, your company reputation is now: 83% (-14.14 decrease)
Overall Flight Result: Crash
Pilot Bonus points: 150 points
There was a problem aboard and you declared an emergency. (+150)
Pilot's Penalty points: -500 points
Crash! You hit the ground with an impact speed of -856 ft/mn. There was a serious failure aboard before the crash, but you are trained to deal with
these situations. You did not perform very well here. (-500)
In memory of the pilot who died these penalty points will not
be recorded in his log and his last rank will be maintained.
Flight NF352 flight report log Date June 29 2006
Flight ID: NF352
Pilot: Richard G Rees-Williams (RIP)
Company: Hermes Aviation Air Charter
Aircraft: Boeing 737-300 (Delta OC)
Flight Date: June 29 2006
Departure: 13h41 (11h42 GMT)
Arrival: --
From: LEIB - Ibiza - Spain
To: LEIB - Ibiza - Spain
Nbr of Passengers: 147
Accident Report:
The aircraft crashed at 13h56 hitting ground at 126 kt with a vert. speed of -856 ft/m.
According to the black-box we deduce the following: one engine sustained major damage shortly after take-off due to a bird strike and shutdown
immediately. This is one of the worst possible in-flight emergencies. This was probably the root cause of the crash. The Captain has declared an
emergency before the crash.
-147 passengers aboard
-147 killed
-0 injured
-Pilot and flight crew were killed
Flight Distance: 0 Nm Landing Speed: --
Time Airborne: 00h08:02 Landing Touchdown: --
Flight Time (block): 00h14:29 Landing Pitch: --
Time On Ground: 00h06:28 Landing Weight: --
Average Speed: 7.54 kt Total Fuel Used: 1093 lbs
Max. Altitude: 2204ft Fuel Not Used: 18115 lbs
Passenger Opinion: Terror and grief. (0%)
-Were irritated by the excess G-forces. (+2.44).
-Were very anxious because of the problem during flight.
Crash Financial Report:
Taking into account the state of the aircraft and its current resale value after the crash. The insurance company decided to pay a total of
£12,278,883 which represents 53.13% of the resale value. You can now decide to repair or sell the wreck. The insurance will pay all other damages. The
insurance rate increased by 2.00% and is now 7.98%.
Total Sim Income: £12,278,883
Company Reputation:
Due to the crash, your company reputation is now: 83% (-14.14 decrease)
Overall Flight Result: Crash
Pilot Bonus points: 150 points
There was a problem aboard and you declared an emergency. (+150)
Pilot's Penalty points: -500 points
Crash! You hit the ground with an impact speed of -856 ft/mn. There was a serious failure aboard before the crash, but you are trained to deal with
these situations. You did not perform very well here. (-500)
In memory of the pilot who died these penalty points will not
be recorded in his log and his last rank will be maintained.