10-05-2006, 04:35 PM
As for this question I can't answer yet.
I'll not be too technichal but even if almost all the functions that communicate
with Fs9 are clearly separated (hence can be easily modified) there is too
much things that are dedicated to Fs9, too many line involved that may work only
on Fs9.
So now this depend again from FsX, if the difference is very minimal it would be easy
to work on a version that can be compiled either with Fs9 or Fsx , this would make
two versions that have about the same features possible.
But on the other side even small change in FsX may render the whole system completely
unusuable and would require a complete rework of thousand line, in this case it would
be really a pain or even impossible to maintain both version. In this case each hours on
FsP"x" would need to be backuped by one hours of work on FsP"9" to maintain it leveled.
Doing a project as FsP was not an easy task maintening such two project in same time
may be really difficult or even impossible.
If I remember well anyway same feeling was around about Fs2004, most people
said they will never upgrade but 6 month later Fs2002 was almost dead with a few
users remaining.
By the time an FsP"x" would be out eventually (if it require a lot of work) FsP"9" version may
be obsolet and not really wanted anymore.
In brief: I don't know yet. But I'll try my best IF something is possible I'll do it.
I'll not be too technichal but even if almost all the functions that communicate
with Fs9 are clearly separated (hence can be easily modified) there is too
much things that are dedicated to Fs9, too many line involved that may work only
on Fs9.
So now this depend again from FsX, if the difference is very minimal it would be easy
to work on a version that can be compiled either with Fs9 or Fsx , this would make
two versions that have about the same features possible.
But on the other side even small change in FsX may render the whole system completely
unusuable and would require a complete rework of thousand line, in this case it would
be really a pain or even impossible to maintain both version. In this case each hours on
FsP"x" would need to be backuped by one hours of work on FsP"9" to maintain it leveled.
Doing a project as FsP was not an easy task maintening such two project in same time
may be really difficult or even impossible.
If I remember well anyway same feeling was around about Fs2004, most people
said they will never upgrade but 6 month later Fs2002 was almost dead with a few
users remaining.
By the time an FsP"x" would be out eventually (if it require a lot of work) FsP"9" version may
be obsolet and not really wanted anymore.
In brief: I don't know yet. But I'll try my best IF something is possible I'll do it.