19-04-2006, 10:21 AM
"""I too recall Dan talking about an update that had some new cargo options anfd addressed the pilot/copilot configuration options
among other things.
but I don't remember it as being imminent. Just curious also, not being critical or impatient.""" Yes what Cowl Flaps said (LOL)...
It's funny how many people though haven't noticed the 100hr maintenance bug... Isn't funny after paying to do the repairs after the
25hr maintenance you never have to do the 100hr maintenance.. Just paying attn to detail

Trust me I am not complaining just wondering... As far as I am concerned this put a whole new vector in the flightsim. I just hope it
keeps growing I think this is one of the best programs that goes with flightsim along with others. But with out FSP wouldn't have any icing
on the cake...
Happy Landings,