05-01-2020, 03:15 PM
(04-01-2020, 05:18 PM)Joeflyer Wrote: Exception code: 0xc0000005 is generally a memory access violation, which can be caused by anything. Typically installing -SE in the (x86) directory can cause the issue. Do you have a number of addons installed that would keep you from wiping -SE out of (x86) and install like this C:FSX-SE? I think you can force the installer to so. Create a new folder (FSX-SE) in the C: drive if you are willing to go this route.
Nothing jumps out at me in the install log or log.txt.
Yes moving to a different drive would probably be a last resort due to vast numbers of registry dependant addons. One positive thing i noticed though was i actually didn't fully disable UAC on windows. I only turned the slider down but did not actually disable it. I have disabled it and ive only tried fsx relatively briefly but i did manage to complete an hour flight with fsp running and did not have a crash. even while hovering over menu bard. I also noticed another op with a problem essentially identical to mine also fixed crashes by completely disabling uac.
My game plan for now is i will monitor for further crashes and if i still have them at least somewhat often i will do a reinstall on a different driver. Steam also does not like having 2 steam folders on the same drive but i do have a backup hard disk drive and i will probably just put it on that rather then tweaking steams registry to allow 2 steam locations or having to resort to moving the entire steam directory on a different molder. Thx for the reply.