23-08-2019, 11:43 PM
I am sorry to reply to an older thread, but I did not want to make a new one. I tried to reinstall FSPassengers, and the code was blocked. I e-mailed Dan. I really wanted to use it, so I went to purchase another one from Sim Market (different vender) just so I could at least play it. Lo and behold, the key was the exact same. I paid twice for the same key. Once from flightsimstore.com in 2017, and yesterday on simmarket.com yesterday. I didn't mind paying twice, because I really like the product a lot, and I enjoy supporting small developers (which consist of some of my favorite software too). By all means, I do not want a refund, but just to get the ability to return to flying virtual passengers (and maybe scare them a bit with turbulence). Any help? I reached out to SimMarket, and they said to contact Dan, which I already did for the first order I received in 2017.
Thank you in advance.
Thank you in advance.