18-02-2019, 03:23 PM
I received a reply from Dan the other day. He is slowly getting back to coding for V4. I wouldn't have expected him to jump back into it for hours and hours a day like he did prior to getting sick. Frankly, going through intensive cancer treatments takes a toll on the body, so I wouldn't expect him to be jumping through hoops to get things completed. As he stated, FsP was 80% completed.
As far as Dan selling all rights, title and interest of FsP? I have asked him about this some months before he got sick. No interest in selling at the time. After all, all of the coding he does comes from memory and not based on a series of handwritten notes. I'm sure he could package it up for someone to decipher his own hacks that he uses to make FsP work, but who knows how long that would take him to accomplish this.
In the meantime, if people want to use the 32 bit version it's their choice. Why discourage this at all when people do have a choice?
Ok, that is all for now.
As far as Dan selling all rights, title and interest of FsP? I have asked him about this some months before he got sick. No interest in selling at the time. After all, all of the coding he does comes from memory and not based on a series of handwritten notes. I'm sure he could package it up for someone to decipher his own hacks that he uses to make FsP work, but who knows how long that would take him to accomplish this.
In the meantime, if people want to use the 32 bit version it's their choice. Why discourage this at all when people do have a choice?
Ok, that is all for now.
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