19-01-2017, 04:06 PM
(18-01-2017, 07:57 PM)wchastain Wrote: I am having the same issues even with no weather add on and good weather set in FSX. Problem is that is causes penalties on my scoring so I end up getting demoted back to smaller planes when flying. My flight attendant will also cancel in flight service every time she starts saying she can't serve in this turbulance even when there is no jump in the plane showing that turbulance is active. Is there a solution to this issue.
Sir, this thread is well over a year old, so it would have been better to start a new thread. Just a friendly tip

With that being said, are you certain you have any semblance of turbulence turned off within FSX? Also, do you have any weather addon like Active Sky 2016? Please go back through your settings to ensure turbulence effect is turned off.
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