(28-02-2016, 02:43 AM)SamTDS Wrote: Checked back on my posts to my first post when I joined and it was the 11th of July last year
Yes thanks for pointing this error, I did choose the bad field of the database (modifystamp instead of datestamp), I'll update soon all the profiles with the corrects dates (register and last active). Your first post was 1436618579 and not 1201643161

On a side not, this "bug" might not be visible on much profile because it was a pure hazard that the modifystamp was so wrong.
It mean that in a thread you wrote the modifystamp (the last updated post) was done in 2008, 7 years before !???
Maybe you made a necro post in the old forum ? anyway choosing this field instead of the datestamp (the date of the post) was a bad idea.
And as I'm verbose tonight

at all forums database to find the earlier and latest post of each user. Same for the time online which is a calculus based on post number.
JoeFlyer, your real registration date is 05-05-2006 and not 06-07-2005 (probably necro post also)
Edit 5am: Date bug solved