28-08-2012, 03:44 PM
I haven't tried the REX wx engine yet because I like the functionality of AS 2012. The only thing hitting my system fairly hard right now is the high
def clouds at 2048 or 4096 resolution...in particular during heavy cloud draws at busy airports. I backed off from having road traffic. Really not a
big deal for me because I only see road traffic while on approach to an airport, so it's not useful at all. Just eye candy 5% of the time.
I recently installed My Traffic X Pro and testing out various settings to see how high I can run traffic without it sucking the life out of sim
performance. Right now I have it set to 20% and will gradually bump it up for each flight. Currently the sim runs without micro stutters...because I
got rid of the road traffic. Plus, I found that locking frame rates to 30 within the sim and selecting 1/2 the refresh rate within Nvidia Inspector
(relating to vertical sync) really keeps my sim smooth at 30 FPS MOST of the time with any addon aircraft.
For me, the GTX 580 1.5Ghz Superclocked card by EVGA has been a workhorse. It has been worth every penny.
def clouds at 2048 or 4096 resolution...in particular during heavy cloud draws at busy airports. I backed off from having road traffic. Really not a
big deal for me because I only see road traffic while on approach to an airport, so it's not useful at all. Just eye candy 5% of the time.
I recently installed My Traffic X Pro and testing out various settings to see how high I can run traffic without it sucking the life out of sim
performance. Right now I have it set to 20% and will gradually bump it up for each flight. Currently the sim runs without micro stutters...because I
got rid of the road traffic. Plus, I found that locking frame rates to 30 within the sim and selecting 1/2 the refresh rate within Nvidia Inspector
(relating to vertical sync) really keeps my sim smooth at 30 FPS MOST of the time with any addon aircraft.
For me, the GTX 580 1.5Ghz Superclocked card by EVGA has been a workhorse. It has been worth every penny.
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