04-11-2005, 06:55 PM
Quote:Jetflyer wrote:
Maybe the weight stations (edited by FSP) have been placed in
the wrong areas.
FsP don't edit station weight nor position in aicraft.cfg ,the only reason FsP require to modify some aircraft.cfg
it's just to add more stations so they exist in memory and FsP can modify them in memory if the correct
number of station doesn't exist in the aircraft.cfg they don't exist in memory at all and FsP can't do nothing.
FsP add only useless station that have zero weight and zero position in aircraft.cfg , they do nothing to
your aicraft without FsP.
Anyway this is a payload model issue: this aircraft may not support
one payload model that was designed mainly for another add-on.
solution: edit the payload model or copy the one that come, give it a more matching name so it come first
for this specific model and edit the payload position using the "payload editor".
For badly designed aircraft you can put all the station on the same points for example.
There is no payload issue that can't be solved by editing or creating a payload model.