02-11-2005, 08:32 AM
Quote:DanSteph wrote:
Quote:poden wrote:
There is no reason FSP couldn't contain a complete VA economic model other than the fact that Dan didn't want a team of programmers
instead of just himself doing the code, .
It doesn't work like that, if you add two programmer your program isn't twice better, even worse, the more you add
the more the project is likely to crash or become confuse and unplayable unless you are all employee from a company with a
boss that give the direction and a regular income.
From my years of freeware I didn't saw any team that have worked well and that have made better add-on then those made by
one "illuminated programer". More often they are complicated, unconsistant, with a lot of bug and...unfinished. (because
in the team rant at all other because no one have the same idea of the finished product or want to be leader or don't like xx or zz or...)
Notice this is for the team that worked during sometime, 95% I saw crashed even before starting anything consistent...
Programming is an ART... not a wall paintjob work...
Also for me FsP have already a LOT of feature, perhaps even too much...
you can't make a game FPS RTS SIM and all in same time you have to stay consistent.
Chocolate is good as lemon and ketchup, it's not because you add them all in a glass that you end
with a very good drink.
Now let's see a complete economic model... employee pay ? insurance ? bank managment ? other flight managment ? (IA)
where do I stop ? either it remain simple as it is now and you fly all the time... either it's complex
and you'll spend half or more time managing money, bank, employee pay, other aircraft flight etc etc.
This is not at all the idea I had for FsP, basically FSP was made to add the feeling of responsabilities
when you fly it was not meant to be a tycoon at all. The simple economic mode is here to give you also
this feeling of responsabilities, it's your pilot skil that increase your company result not your manager abilities.
Now of course you would say that I can add the tycoon as an optionnal things for those that want...
but a complete tycoon alone is as much complicated as FsP himself, mean one years of work again
and two different program in one for the same price. Why not adding also excell abilities, and word, and
a First personal shooter and a complete OS finally ?
I'll add a tycoon to FsP when Quake will have a complete employee and bank managment
best answer i ever read! i agree with Dan... as we all must really. this product is his vision and i think it's a bloody good product! it's
simple to use without being boring which is an extrememly rare quality in a product. that would all get lost in a tycoon type venture, and
besides... there already are airliner tycoons out there...
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Here's to alcohol, the cause of—and solution to—all life's problems.